devoir d'anglais oral

Publié le 29 sept. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 2 oct. 2015 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

bonjour, je souhaite un peut d'aide pour mon devoir d'anglais (oral) , voir si ce que j'ai marqué est anglais ou ne l'est pas. merci d'avance.



Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

i’m going to talk about: does internet mean the death of newspapers ?. Today internet occupes an important place in modern society , with internet we can do everythings, in any place but, it will be abel to become a danger for other media.

I’m going to divide this talk into two parts :In the one hand i will talk about the rise of internet and in the other hand the decline of newspapers. 

-internet is the large system of connected computers around the world that allows people to share information and communicate with each other.

Internet enter in homes, on seventy years.

In 1950, during cold war, United state was threaten by soviet satellite, So the gouvernment decided to created network to share scientifical knowledge and ressource of the old computer, it’s ARPANET.

Internet was prononced for the first time, when the gouvernment decided to decentralized network, it’s internet. Network of the world was connected and new facets was created like e-mail in 1973.

 « www. » Was created and change the way to use internet.

 Internet is revolution, we can find information about many subjects, real times information, gradually internet replace newspapers, because we can find information rapidly, we can looks in any place and every times and freely,

Around 40% of the world population has an internet connection today. In 1995, it was less than 1%.

The number of internet users has increased tenfold from 1999 to 2013. mobils contribute of the raise of person connect, with internet in mobils lots of personne have internet in any place.

The first billion was reached in 2005. The second billion in 2010. The third billion in 2014.(graphique)

The internet rise because it’s new technologie which attract young people.

But the internet have problems, because the information is not always sure, and not every personne have internet in the smart phone, so we can read information just in the home. Internet is also dangerous for healf and the eyes of the user. If the internet procure information free is not totally really because the site internet just leave free some articles no all articles, the probleme it’s if you would like read all article you must buy offer.


Now i will talk about newspaper, A newspaper is a serial publication containing news, other informative articles , and usually advertising, It’s first media came into being

The  press turnover are compose of mainly advertising but since 2000 the revenu from advertising reduce in all country

In the united states revenus from advertising decrease by 74%

This reduction result from the rise of internet. In the past the press face up to other rival like radio,TV but the probleme is internet assemble features of radio and TV, that’s why internet is very big rival. For counter the internet, the presse need to renovate to attract young people. For exemple some newspaper create website or application.



1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 sept. 2015

Today, I’m going ask: does THE internet mean the death of newspapers ?. Nowadays (pour pas clasher avec le 1er today que j'ai rajouté) THE internet occupIes an important place in modern society , with internet we can do ANYTHING, ANYWHERE so there may be a threat to more traditional media..

I’m going to divide this talk into two parts :on the one hand i will talk about the rise of internet and on the other hand the decline of newspapers.

-the internet is the large network of computers situated all around the world that allows people to share information and communicate with each other.

Internet enter in homes, on seventy years. <-- CA NE VEUT RIEN DIRE

In 1950, during THE cold war, THE United stateS wERE threatenED by soviet satelliteS, So the gouvernment decided to CREATE A network to share scientifical knowledge and ressourceS of the EARLY computer, it’s WAS CALLED ARPANET.

THE WORD Internet was pronoUnced for the first time when the goVERNMent decided to DECENTRALISE (ARRETE DE CONJUGUER LES VERBES A L'INFINITIF!!!) THE network, it BECAME internet. NetworkS AROUND the world wERE connected and new facets wERE (SI TU METS UN S A FACETS, C'EST DONC PLURIEL, DONC CONJUGUE LE VERBE QUI SUIT) created like e-mail in 1973.

« www. » Was created and changeD (CONJUGAISON!!!!) the way WE use internet.

The Internet is A revolution, we can find information about many subjects in real time, gradually the internet HAS replaceD newspapers, because we can find information more rapidly, we can SEARCH ANYTIME, ANYWHERE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST.

Around 40% of the world population has an internet connection today. In 1995, it was less than 1%.

The number of internet users has increased tenfold from 1999 to 2013. mobilE PHONES contribute TO the RISE of CONNECTED PEOPLE, with internet ON A MOBILE PHONE, A PERSON CAN CONNECT FROM ANYWHERE.

The first billion USERS was reached in 2005. The second billion in 2010. The third billion in 2014.(graphique)

The USE OF internet rOse because it’s A new technologY which attractS young people.

But the internet HAS problems, because the information is not always ACCURATE, and not everyONE HAS ACCESS TO IT ON THEIR smart phone, so we can read information just AT home. THE Internet is also dangerous for healTH and the eyes of the user. (INTERNET C'EST MAUVAIS POUR LA SANTE?) SOME OF THE INFORMATION ON THE INTERNET IS FREE BUT OTHER SERVICES ARE NOT.


Now i will talk about newspaperS, A newspaper is a serial publication containing news, other informative articles , and usually advertising, It’s THE first media THAT came into being

The INCOME OF THE PRESS IS MADE UP MAINLY OF advertising but since 2000 the revenuE from advertising HAS reduceD in EVERY country

In the united states revenuE from advertising HAS decreaseD by 74%

This reduction resultS from the rise of internet. In the past the press COULD face up to other rivalS like radio OR TV but the problem is THAT THE internet ALSO INCLUDES features of radio and TV, that’s why THE internet is A very big rival. TO counter the internet, the press needS to renovate IN ORDER to attract young people. For exAmple some newspaper create websiteS or applicationS.


Excuse moi d'etre aussi brutal mais tu fais bcp d'erreurs betes du genre oublier de mettre un S au pluriel ou laisser des mots carrement en francais.

Sinon pour la conjugaison fais un effort. Imagine un anglais qui apprend le francais. Deja il a un premier choc quand tu lui annonces que tous les noms sont soit masculins ou feminins (pas de IT en francais) et qu'il doit apprendre par coeur qu'on dit "un arbre et un fauteuil"" mais "une fleur et une chaise". Ensuite quand tu as reussi a le reanimer, tu lui donnes le coup de grace: les conjugaisons :)

je veux, tu manges, nous pouvons, vous finissez, etc, etc, etc

En anglais, il n'y a rien de tout ca. Tu dois juste mettre un s a le 3eme personne. C'est quand meme pas compliqué? Si?

Dis moi si tu as besoin d'autre chose.



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