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Publié le 28 nov. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 déc. 2013 dans 10A

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Britney Spears music scares off pirates

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The article under study is taken from the Breaking News English, it was published the 31 October 2013. It deals with a new terrific tactic to keep pirates away.
The journalist focuses his article on two point, first he explains why occidental music scare pirates and secondely he explains that music was often used in the past and that it was considered like a torture.
The occidental music like Britney Spears is use on ship in the Indian ocean because pirates hate this kind of song.
That is why each security team chose a music for the trip.
according to a spokes man for a security company, loud pop music is realy effective.
In an other situation loud music has been used as a form of torture. In the infamous jail of Guantanamo guards use music since 2003 to keep prisoners awake.
Where fore many people chose to support a campaign to end it.

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