un quiz : tests and lessons

Publié le 26 mars 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 mars 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Si vous pouvez repondre a ce quiz:
How often do you revise your lessons/
-Every end of week
-When we have an exam

When you get stuck in a test doyou:
-Ask your classmate's help
-Bring out a cheating paper
-You move to the next question hoping you'll find the answer later

According to you do you think that having a sudden unpredictible test is:
-I don't care i won't revise in both cases

When they give you back the test papers do you:
-Look at it and see your mistakes
-You just take it and you never look back at it
-How can I get back my paper if I'm always absent

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

j'ai fait qqs feuilles pour les distrubuées en classe

8 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 mars 2010

je ne comprend pas bien ce qu'il faut faire.
Que veux-tu distribuer en classe?
Qu'attend-tu de nous?
Posté le 26 mars 2010
Je n'ai pas compris =^!
Posté le 26 mars 2010
Je n'ai pas vraiment comprit:
-Est-ce que c'est un sondage?
Ou veut tu qu'on t'explique le questions?
Posté le 26 mars 2010
si vous pouvez repondre a ces questions c'est tout merci
Posté le 26 mars 2010
Si vous pouvez repondre a ce quiz:
How often do you revise your lessons/
-Every end of week
-When we have an exam

= Daily

When you get stuck in a test doyou:
-Ask your classmate's help
-Bring out a cheating paper
-You move to the next question hoping you'll find the answer later

=You move to the next question hoping you'll find the answer later

According to you do you think that having a sudden unpredictible test is:
-I don't care i won't revise in both cases


When they give you back the test papers do you:
-Look at it and see your mistakes
-You just take it and you never look back at it
-How can I get back my paper if I'm always absent

=You just take it and you never look back at it

Voila,en éspérant t'aider !
Posté le 27 mars 2010


Je répond aux questions :

How often do you revise your lessons/
-Every end of week

When you get stuck in a test do you:
-You move to the next question hoping you'll find the answer later

According to you do you think that having a sudden unpredictible test is:

When they give you back the test papers do you:
-You just take it and you never look back at it

Bonne Journée,
Mathy (:

Posté le 27 mars 2010
C'est un test, un sondage ?
Posté le 27 mars 2010
merci tout le monde

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