aide en anglais

Publié le 18 févr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 22 févr. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

J'ai essayer de bien refaire mes question. serait il possible de voir si cela est bien écrit merci d'avance

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

What is the purpose of production/ operations management?

The purpose of the production and the management of operations is to describe the play of the tasks. They concern everything them two the management of the resources of a company which are required to be able to produce goods or services which are intended to be sold to consumers or to other organizations. These at first the management of production which appeared to arrive it manufacturing industries and then is to arrive the management of operations with the appearance of industry of the service in industrial nations.
The function of production and the function of operations is the part of organization which is responsible for producing the goods or for supplying services which are going to be propose / sold on the market. We are thus going to produce articles physical appearance as furniture (tables, chair), building materials and the other one is going to supply services as medical care, home helps, services banking.
We thus have two phases the management of production and the management of the operations concerning on one hand the producers and on the other hand the operators. Needs first of all one get fresh ideas which is is material (example: raw materials, semi product finish) as regards the production of the good). This resources is going to be transformed by a process of transformation( industrial activity) to obtain the final good, the finished product, the physical good, the tangible good.
Is immaterial as regards a service activity. The resource in that case is going to be to transform into the inviolable, immaterial good and its will be more one a lot of production but one operations, a service.
We thus have two plan is the one where the management of production and operation is separated and in that case we have that material good. Let be the plan where the management of production and operation is to mix and in that case we have the material and immaterial possessions which are mixed.
The purpose of the producer is to produce the good or one services to sell him or to an individual (consumers and it is of the business to consumers) or in one organizations (in that case it is of the business to business). Consumers is always at the end of the production line.
Every producer or operators have the same question it is: the production cost and the profit that he are going to be able to make ( the margin) and the constraint of cost.
How much he have to make it.
The time(weather) of delivery and thus when it will be ready.
The quality of the services or the products which he proposes and these various characteristic, which is that it is.
We thus have this producing progress towards price quality and delivery ( CQD) (the process of production) towards consumers.
The purpose of the management of production and the management of operations is to see to it that the process of production takes place as good as possible to be able to pull the best profit.

What elements in the organization and its environment can influence production management?

What can influence the management of production in the organization and its environment will depend on several factors(mailmen) such as the size of this organization (that is the influence which is going to be able to have on the market face to face of these competitors), the nature of the products which the organization is going to propose and the services which are to connect there (after-sales service for example), the quality of these products and services (the characteristics of its product can influence consumers to buy more his than that of competitors for a similar product), the technological level that the organization is going to serve it in the manufacturing of these products or in these services as well as the time put making these products (delivery deadlines). These various factors(mailmen) are going to influence the management of production face to face of them competitors to be more able to take part of the market, make the maximum of profit.

What differences are there between the production of a physical item and of a service?

First of all one articles physical appearance is the tangible good (material such as the goods which are going to be buy by an individual or an organization for a use later) whereas a service is inviolable (immaterial, that is that the service is going to be consume for the moment).
The production of a physical article is going to ask for a process of production, it is going to need to cross by more Mrs. stages, it is going to ask for the work and for the capital. The physical article goes asked first of all one get fresh ideas (raw materials, produces semi finity) which is going to need to transform one finished products to intend in consumer or organization. Whereas the service does not need to her to undergo a process of transformation, it is directly a product finity (directly edible).Differently in the physical article the service is not tangible (we cannot get it). The service is something that we can have at once whereas the physical good is not necessarily edible following, it has to be produced.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 févr. 2010
Un grand conseil vas sur reverso pour tout traduire (reverso le meilleur ami des devoirs en langue) ;) bonne traduction

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