Support écrit intervention anglais: sujet qu'on aime

Publié le 29 mars 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 avr. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois réaliser une intervention de deux minutes sur un sujet que j'aime. J'ai choisis cedrik klapish.
Le document est un support papier pour m'aider le jour J donc il doit être écrit de façon simple.
J'ai essayer d'être le meilleur possible mais j'ai un très faible niveau.Et c'est la première année que je reprend, donc merci de votre aide !!!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I am going to speak about the director Cédrik Klapish. He was born in 1961 in Neuilly on the Seine. He realized eleven feature film and seven short films. He prepares a thirteenth movie for twenty thirteen (2013). Its title is « Casse tête Chinois ».

He begins with a literary preparation. Before realizing, he studies cinema. In the first one he made of the cinema for the university Paris 3. He obtained mastery in Paris 8. He fails several times in the IDHEC. He will eventually study in New York.

His creations began in 1984 with his first named short film "Glamour toujours" that he shoots in the USA.

He will return in France, he will begin as a technician. Then he will shoot in nineteen eighty-nine 1989 his first French short movie. In nigthteen ninety-to 1992; his career evolves because he passes in the feature film with "Rien du tout". He realizes a social comedy, what will be in a way its trademark.

On the one hand he will make movies and the other one, he will work in association with chains of which ARTE or CANAL PLUS. With its first full-length movies, the world of the French cinema will learn Cedrik Klapish. But so that he is really recognized by the largest number, it will be necessary to wait for "L’auberge Espagnole". This movie tells the story of a student who leaves for Spain to study. He integrates it an apartment into collocation with several different nationalities.
What I find original in his realization, it is that he appears in his movies. He realizes the same thing as Alfred Hitchcock. For example in "Les poupées Russes " he plays the traveller of the Eurostar or another professor of Frenchman lost in " L’auberge espagnole ".

I wished to speak about this director because I like his side close to the world. His main subjects are the ones which touch or concern popular people. He makes of the approachable cinema and dares to speak about problems which affect the least easy people. And he does not put to itself barriers.

Furthermore I find that the way he advances the city is interesting. He has interesting and charming personalities but he allows discovering cities by his image as in "Paris". For me, it is that one call a contemporary director.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 mars 2012
Je pense que tout la partie biographique serait mieux au prétérit.

Regarde sur Wikipédia en anglais la bio de Klapish ou même n'importe quelle bio, pr voir quel tps est utilisé.

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