1 question en anglais

Publié le 2 mai 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 9 mai 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

bonjour, j'ai une question en anglais sur le texte suivant :


No more boomerang no more spear,
Now all civilised colour bar and beer,
No more corroboree gay dance and din,
Now we got movies and pay to go in.

No more sharing what the hunter brings,
Now we work for money and pay it back for things,
Now we track bosses to catch a few bob,
Now we go walkabout on bus to the job.

One time naked who never knew shame,
Now we put clothes on to hide whatsaname.
No more gunyah now bungalow,
Paid by hire purchase in twenty years or so.

Lay down the stone axe take up the steel,
Work like a nigger for a white man's meal,
No more firestick that made whites scoff,
Now all electric and no better off.

Bunyip he finish got now instead,
White-fella bunyip call him red.
Abstract pictures now, what they comin' at
Cripes in our caves we did better than that.

Black hunted wallaby, white hunt dollar.
White-fella witch-doctor wear dog collar.
No more message lubras and lads,
Got television now, mostly ads,

Lay down the woomera, lay down the waddy,
No we got atom bomb. End everybody.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

question :
Explain which aspects of indigenous aborigine culture are shown in a positive light ?

aidez moi car je n'ai déjà pas compris la question , ils demandent "expliquer quels sont les aspects de la culture arborigène qui sont montrés ds une lumière positive "

mais je ne sais ps comment y répondre.....

merci d'avance....

23 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 2 mai 2011
La culture aborigène était basée sur l'entraide, le troc et l'échange
No more sharing what the hunter brings,

Ils étaient heureux, dansaient
No more corroboree gay dance and din,

Maintenant on va au cinéma pour se distraire
One time naked who never knew shame,
Ils n'avaient aucune gêne et ne portaient pas de vêtement.
donc aucune distinction de classe

Ils vivaient dans des cabanes faites de bois maintenant on achète des maisons à prix d'or
No more gunyah now bungalow,
Paid by hire purchase in twenty years or so.

Voilà une petite analyse qui peut t'aider..

Posté le 2 mai 2011
ok merci

mais en faite vous pouvez me dire svp que voulait dire mon professeur, je n'ai pas compris comment je pourrais répondre à sa question , (elle attend quoi) ?

Posté le 2 mai 2011
mettre en exergues les valeurs des aborigènes : le non matérialisme, l'échange, la solidarité, le rapport avec la nature, la liberté...
Posté le 2 mai 2011
Ces valeurs qui n'existent plus avec le progrès.
Posté le 3 mai 2011
et selon vous comment je peuxs commencer mes phrases svp.........
Posté le 3 mai 2011
The text is about the indigenous aborigine culture and its positive aspects.
In the first paragraph, the writer depicts the onetime traditions of the aborigens that do no longer exist. They used to entertain themselves with dances, now the modern man has to go to a movie theater and has to pay for it to entertain himself.

There was solidarity between aborigens. These values are now rare. Everything has a price. We live in a material world where the aborigens used to live in a non material world where money did not exist. They used to share what they had. Now if we want to get something, we have to buy it.

Voilà je te laisse continuer
Posté le 3 mai 2011
pThe text is about the indigenous aborigine culture and its positive aspects.
In the first paragraph, the writer depicts the onetime traditions of the aborigines that do no longer exist. They used to entertain themselves with dances, now the modern man has to go to a movie theater and has to pay for it to entertain himself.

There was solidarity between aborigines. These values are now rare. Everything has a price. We live in a material world where the aborigines used to live in a non material world where money did not exist. They used to share what they had. Now if we want to get something, we have to buy it.

Posté le 3 mai 2011
j'ai supprimé quelques phrases de ce texte qui ne sont pas ds mon texte de la prof :


No more boomerang no more spear,
Now all civilised colour bar and beer,
No more corroboree gay dance and din,
Now we got movies and pay to go in.

No more sharing what the hunter brings,
Now we work for money and pay it back for things,

One time naked who never knew shame,
Now we put clothes on to hide whatsaname.
No more gunyah now bungalow,
Paid by hire purchase in twenty years or so.

Lay down the stone axe take up the steel,
Work like a nigger for a white man's meal,
No more firestick that made whites scoff,
Now all electric and no better off.

Abstract pictures now, what they comin' at
Cripes in our caves we did better than that.

Black hunted wallaby, white hunt dollar.
White-fella witch-doctor wear dog collar.
No more message lubras and lads,
Got television now, mostly ads,

Lay down the woomera, lay down the waddy,
No we got atom bomb. End everybody.

Posté le 3 mai 2011
le texte suivant que vous avez ecrit correspond à quoi svp :

There was solidarity between aborigens. These values are now rare. Everything has a price. We live in a material world where the aborigens used to live in a non material world where money did not exist. They used to share what they had. Now if we want to get something, we have to buy it.

Posté le 3 mai 2011
j'ai trouvé ceci , j'ai fais que en français :

ds le deuxième paragraphe, elle met l'argent en valeur. ds le 3 ème paragraphe, elle met en évidence le rapport avec la nature avec les mots "naked"(nue) et les vêtements (clothes). ds le 4 ème paragraphe, elle dénonce la liberté car elle dit "lay down the stone axe". 5 ème paragraphe : je sais pas trop , elle parle des photos.
ds le 6 ème paragraphe, elle s''appuie sur les animaux (wallaby) et ds le 7 ème paragraphe, sur les armes = weapons avec les mots "woomera", et "waddy" . on n'est ds la guerre civile.

ps : ce devoirs est pour demain .
Posté le 3 mai 2011
The aborigine had a close relationship with nature. Money did not exist and therefore had no meaning. Nowadays, for the author, money has a lot of importance and black people have forgotten their roots.
Indigines were free. Now they are considered according to the author as slaves he says "Work like a nigger for a white man's meal"
The one time values of aborigines were 100 times better than now. They did not have the progress but lived better
No more firestick that made whites scoff,
Now all electric and no better off.

They drew on the walls of caves. Now for the authors, the modern paintings has no sense.
The aborigines had traditions and passed them on. Now, this is no longer true. The messages are commercials and TV.

The progress did not bring anything good according to the author.
Aborigines were harmless whereas now we have the atomic weapon..

Bon tu arranges un peu

Posté le 3 mai 2011
je tape vite dnc correction

They drew on the walls of caves. Now for the author, the modern paintings have no sense.
The aborigines had traditions and passed them on. Now, this is no longer true. The messages are commercials and TV.

Posté le 3 mai 2011
vous pouvez m'expliquer un peu en français ce que vous avez écrit car je en comprends pas bcp svp ?
Posté le 3 mai 2011
Les aborigènes avaient une étroite relation avec la nature. L'argent n'existait pas et n'avait donc pas de signification. De nos jours, l'argent a beaucoup d'importance, et le peuple noir a oublié ses racines non matérielles. Les aborigènes étaient libres, maintenant ils sont esclaves de l'argent et du blanc. Les valeurs des aborigènes étaient 100 % meilleures. Ils n'avaient pas le progrès mais vivaient mieux. Les aborigènes avaient des traditions qu'ils transmettaient. Maintenant, c'est la télé et les pubs. Les aborigènes étaient inoffensifs. Maintenant on a l'arme atomique.
Posté le 3 mai 2011
Le devoir il est en anglais pas en français :_)
Posté le 3 mai 2011
oui mais c'était pour mieux comprendre, là j'ai mieux compris

je vous remercie bcp pr mon devoir

à ientot
Posté le 3 mai 2011
Salut pour quand doit tu tendre ton devoir ?
Posté le 4 mai 2011
après demain
pk me demande tu cela ?
Posté le 4 mai 2011
nn excuse moi c'est en faite ds deux jours , je me suis trompée
ds mon agenda
Posté le 4 mai 2011
re, je dois maintenant faire des phrases en utilisant used to :(lhabitude) :
mon textes est juste cela :


No more boomerang no more spear,
Now all civilised colour bar and beer,

No more corroboree gay dance and din,
Now we got movies and pay to go in.

No more sharing what the hunter brings,
Now we work for money and pay it back for things,

One time naked who never knew shame,
Now we put clothes on to hide whatsaname.

No more gunya, now bungalow,
Paid by hire purchase in twenty years or so.

Lay down the stone axe, take up the steel,
and Work like a nigger for a white man meal,

No more firestick that made whites scoff,
Now all electric and no better off.

Abstract pictures now, what they comin' at
Cripes in our caves we did better than that.

Black hunted wallaby, white hunt dollar.
White-fella witch-doctor wear dog collar.

No more message lubras and lads,
Got television now, mostly ads,
Posté le 4 mai 2011
re, je dois maintenant faire des phrases en utilisant used to :(lhabitude) :
mon textes est juste cela :


No more boomerang no more spear,
Now all civilised colour bar and beer,

No more corroboree gay dance and din,
Now we got movies and pay to go in.

No more sharing what the hunter brings,
Now we work for money and pay it back for things,

One time naked who never knew shame,
Now we put clothes on to hide whatsaname.

No more gunya, now bungalow,
Paid by hire purchase in twenty years or so.

Lay down the stone axe, take up the steel,
and Work like a nigger for a white man meal,

No more firestick that made whites scoff,
Now all electric and no better off.

Abstract pictures now, what they comin' at
Cripes in our caves we did better than that.

Black hunted wallaby, white hunt dollar.
White-fella witch-doctor wear dog collar.

No more message lubras and lads,
Got television now, mostly ads,

Posté le 4 mai 2011
1 er paragraphe : aborigenes used to make their weapons by the themselves, but today, we use atom-bomb, guns, riffles, grenades.

2 eme paragraphe : aborigenes used to dance, party...but today, they have to pay for entertainment.

4ème paragraphe,: aborigenes used to live naked and proud, but today they have to wear clothes and they are ashamed.

8 ème paragraphe : aborigenes used to paint walls in caves, ut today, they see abstract pictures.

je n'ai pas réussi à faire les phrases pour le 3 ème paragraphe, 5ème paragraphe, 6 ème paragraphe, 7 ème paragraphe, 9 ème paragraphe, et 10 ème paragraphe.

j'ai trouvé cette phrase mais je sais pas pour quel paragraphe le mette ??
aborigenes used to be free, but today, they are seen as slaves.

voilà, aidez moi svp, il me manque ces phrases .....
Posté le 4 mai 2011
merci d'avance...

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