
Publié le 5 oct. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 oct. 2010 dans 13A

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The big issue: mind the gap year

Critics suggest that it is simply a doss year, an extended holiday which is usually paid for by the Bank of Mum and Dad.

Its advocates, on the other hand, argue that it makes students more mature, giving them a sense of independence and a chance to see something of the real world before they go on to third-level education.

Although the gap year is not nearly as popular here as in Britain, where up to a fifth of college-goers take one, there are signs that it is now becoming a fashionable option for Irish school leavers.

A growing number of Irish teenagers, particularly in affluent areas, are following the example of Prince William, who was famously pictured cleaning toilets in a remote part of Chile on his gap year. As a volunteer for the charity Raleigh International, William helped build new walkways in the mountainous area and taught English in a local village.

Some gap-year students, or "gappies'' as they have become known, are much less diligent, spending much of their time lolling about on beaches in places such as Thailand. Others spend their time working and saving for college.

Career guidance counsellor Andree Harpur says the gap year is growing in popularity in Ireland because parents see that many of the voluntary schemes available are now well-organised.

"It's not just a matter of a teenager heading off on a train to Marrakech any more. Parents feel reassured when they see a programme that has been put together carefully," she says.

"I know of students who have got enormous benefits from a gap year. They might not have decided what they wanted to do. Say, for example, if they were considering social work, some kind of voluntary work could help them to make a decision.''

As a careers advisor, Andree Harpur believes gap years are often looked upon positively by employers.

"If you are prepared to get on a plane to go to work somewhere on the other side of the world, you are showing that you are adaptable. You are open to new ways of doing things.

"But it has to be planned properly and it should be clear that it will only last a year. There is a danger that a student with wanderlust will not continue with their education at all.''

Gap-year students who want to do voluntary work should check carefully the credentials of the organisers of the scheme. Is the work genuinely helpful, or is it just a profit-making venture?

The huge growth in the gap- year market has given rise to some spurious schemes that can do more harm than good, according to Voluntary Service Overseas, an international-development charity.

VSO recently warned that badly planned, so-called "voluntourism" schemes could have a negative impact on young people and the communities they worked with.

In one case, reported by the Guardian, a group of villagers in South America returned home from work to find that their houses had been painted by volunteers without their permission.

Another gap-year student was asked to survey an endangered coral reef in Madagascar, only to find that the work was pointless because the reef had been surveyed 200 times by other volunteers. Such surveys probably just damaged the reef.

There are a number of more reputable gap-year voluntary schemes that are non-profitmaking.

Lattitude, formerly known as Gap Activity Projects, is a well-established British charity which has taken a number of Irish volunteers abroad.

"We ensure that we only offer voluntary work that is going to be worthwhile," says Lattitude spokesman Ben Clifton. "It has to be suitable work that improves the quality of life of the people concerned.''

The European Voluntary Service (EVS), funded by the European Commission, offers young people the opportunity to do voluntary work in other European countries.

Unlike many other gap-year schemes, the scheme does not require volunteers to pay a fee.

Gap-year students can also stay in Ireland and do voluntary work here. Others take on paid jobs in order to get work experience and to make themselves financially secure before going into college.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

voila sur cela , il faut résumer les 3 premiers paragraphes .....

aide zmoi svp ......


1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 6 oct. 2010

Je te traduit les 3 premiers paragraphes, maintenant à toi de jouer !!!!

Ses opposants pensent que c'est simplement une année pendant laquelle « on se la coule douce », un congé supplémentaire payé par Papa et Maman.

Ses avocats (les avocats de l'année transitoire dont il est question) pensent en revanche qu'elle apporte aux étudiants une certaine maturité, leur donnant le sens de l'indépendance, et une chance de voir le monde tel qu'il est, avant qu'ils n'accèdent au niveau 3 de leurs études (chez nous : aux études supérieures)

Bien que cette année transitoire ne soit pas aussi populaire ici qu'en Angleterre, ou, près de 1/5 des collégiens la pratique, certains signes montrent que cela entre de + en + dans les moeurs chez les écoliers Irlandais.

Un nombre croissant d'adolescents irlandais, en particulier dans les quartiers riches suivent l'exemple du Prince William dont la photo très connue le montre nettoyant les toilettes
dans une région isolée du Chili pendant cette année de transition. En temps que volontaire du « charity Raleigh International », William participa à la construction de nouveaux chemins dans les zônes montagneuses et enseigna l'anglais dans un village local."

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