Anglais - correction fautes d’orthographes

Publié le 20 sept. 2017 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 sept. 2017 dans 6A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, j'aurais besoin d'une correction du texte ci-dessous !

Merci beaucoup :-)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The job involves taking pictures on places of shooting and actors for magazines, the promotional announcement or Netflix. He also involves being rigorous and confortable with a camera. Indeed, the required themes must be respected by playing with lighting effects. We wanted all the world knew our project because everybody deserve a chance to live this fabulous adventure. As a result, we posted publicities all over the web. On facebook, twitter, instagram… For us, it’s very important to have a good visibility. We were also diffused on TV with a phone number for calling us. It’s easy to apply for that because we supply the phone number, the mail and an address. To get the job, it is necessary to write a CV and a cover letter with your favorite hobbies, movies and series by e-mail. When we read your CV, we will choose 150 applicants for the second part of the test.

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 20 sept. 2017


The job involves taking pictures on places of shooting and actors for magazines, the promotional announcement or Netflix. It also involves being rigorous and comfortable with a camera. Indeed, the required themes must be respected by playing with lighting effects. We wanted all the world knew our project because everybody deserve a chance to live this fabulous adventure. As a result, we posted publicists all over the web. On facebook, twitter, instagram… For us, it's very important to have a good visibility. We were also diffused on TV with a phone number for calling us. It's easy to apply for that because we supply the phone number, the mail and an address. To get the job, it is necessary to write a CV and a cover letter with your favorite hobbies, movies and series by e-mail. When we read your CV, we will choose 150 applicants for the second part of the test.


voilà :)

Posté le 20 sept. 2017

When we read your CV,


un futur plutôt qu'un présent?

Posté le 20 sept. 2017

Non je crois que c'est bon, c'est un présent à valeur futur quand c'est suivit de when

Posté le 20 sept. 2017

Non, c'est une erreur assez régulière. Jamais de futur après when (c'est différent du français)

Posté le 20 sept. 2017

The job involves taking pictures of stages (on parle du plateau où sont tournées les scènes) and actors for magazines and promotional announcements of Netflix. It ("job" est neutre, on dit "it" et pas "he") also involves being rigorous and comfortable with a camera. Indeed, the required themes must be respected, playing (plutôt que "by playing") with light effects. We wanted the largest audience (on peut aussi mettre "the largest amount of people") to be aware of our project, as (change un peu du traditionnel "because") everybody deserves a chance to live this fabulous adventure. As a result, we posted ads ("publicité" = "ad" ou "advert") all over the web (on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,...) Having a good visibility is very important to us (pour éviter la tournure ffranco-française "for us"). We also aired it on TV, with our phone number and both postal and email adresses (pour éviter une tournure de phrase trop longue et laborieuse). To get the job, it is necessary to send us a CV and a cover letter, telling us your favorite hobbies, movies and series by email. Once we have read ("une fois que nous avons lu" = "once we have read") your CVs (on parle bien du CV de tous les candidats au poste), we will chose 150 applicants for the second part of the test.



J'espère que ça te va 

Posté le 20 sept. 2017

Merci, encore une fois, d'avoir corrigé mes fautes ! je t'en très reconnaisante ! :-)

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