Anglais, type Bac

Publié le 23 déc. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 31 déc. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour. J'ai plusieurs sujet type bac en anglais à faire ou à travailler la correction. Celui-ci je ne le comprends pas, je n'y arrive pas, j'ai cherché la correction sur internet, mais je ne la trouve pas.

C'est le Sujet 19, centre étrangers I, juin 2000 (ou 2006), séries ES, S LV1.
Un texte de Florence Engel Randall.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai déjà trouvé la 1ère question, à savoir identifier les 6 personnages et dire comment ils sont reliés entre eux. Après, je ne comprend pas les questions.

13 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 23 déc. 2010
Bonjour Pythaa,

Montre nous ton texte soit en Anglais et je te le corrigerai, ou en français, et je te le traduirais en anglais correct sans traducteur comme la plupart des gens sur ce site!


Benjamin CNED 3ème
Posté le 23 déc. 2010
bonjour chickenmanben95
désoler mais je n'arrive pas a pose mon devoir sur se site alors je viens la pour que on me donne de l'aide si sa dérange personne
je doit dire se que j'ai fais en stage mais je doit le dire en anglais au prétérits je lé dit en français puis je lé traduit mais je n'y arrive pas a le conjugué et même la traduction je suis pas sur merci de m'aidai

"Présentation de mon stage

L’entreprise ou j’ai effectuer mon stage se nommé arc gestion elle se trouvé au 2 allée saint John Perse, 95120 ERMONT Cette entreprise est un cabiné comptable et il a été créée par Mme MOHAMED en septembre 2007. C’est une entreprise familiale. mon stage a duré 4 semaine du 8 Octobre au 3 décembre

Durant mon stage j’ai fais de La saisie d’écritures, Les états de rapprochements, L’archivage et notamment du Classement des factures d’achats, des ventes…

En conclusion : mon objectif était principalement de découvrir un métier. L’évolution des chiffres nous permet d’apprécier l’évolution même de l’entreprise.
Ce stage m'a permis de découvrir la vie en entreprise. C'est un premier contact positif et très enrichissant avec le monde du travail."
Posté le 25 déc. 2010
salut je suis en terminal L et je me débrouille pas mal en anglais sa me ferais plaisir de t'aider donc montre le texte et essai de nous décrire tes questions
Posté le 26 déc. 2010
qui peu m'aidai sil vous plais
Posté le 27 déc. 2010
Ok, voici le texte :

When the signal flashed on the wall, Althea had just finished dressing. She watched it for a moment. It was their code, all right. Three lights in a row, the flickering pause, and then the slow, deliberate hold. She pressed the button that buzzed downstairs.
'Who is it?' she said, her mouth against the intercom.
'It's all right,' said a woman's voice, clear and high and a bit too shrill.
'I've already shown my identification to your doorman. I'm Sally Milford
-Carry Milford's wife. My husband works in your husband's office.'
'What do you want?' said Althea cautiously. 'I'm much too busy to see anyone this morning. Besides, I'm on my way out.' She bit her lip. George would be right if he scolded her for being careless. Why had she told this woman she was going out ?
' I'll only take a moment of your time. It's important.'
'Can't you tell me what it is over the intercom ?'
'If I wanted to talk this way, I could have called you on the phone. I must see you. Please.'
'All right,' said Althea, reluctantly, knowing she was being foolish, 'you can come up.'
She checked her own gun even though she knew it was loaded and she palmed the small dagger - the one her mother had given her as a wedding present- the one with the jeweled handle.
'Things are so different now,' her mother had said, sighing. She had lifted the dagger from the tissue paper andhad studied it for a moment before she handed it to Althea. 'In my day we could walk the streets without this sort of thing.'
' That's not true,' Althea reminded her. 'You told me you used to wear stilt-like heels and you always carried a whistle in your purse.'
'But that's not the same. It still wasn't like this,' said her mother. 'Did you know we weren't allowed to carry weapons?'
'You weren't N' said Althea, startled.
'That was before everyone realized that our laws were lagging behind our customs and public opinion. That was before the Citizen's Defence Act was passed.'
'There is only one crime,' Althea said firmly, 'and that is to be a victim. Nothing makes sense otherwise.'
'I suppose not.' Her mother shook her head. 'I guess I'm just being sentimental,' she added wistfully. 'Sometimes I miss the policemen we used to have. They would wear blue uniforms and they would drive around with sirens blaring and lights flashing. It seems a shame they became obsolete. Why I can even remember the time when we could take a walk in the park.'
'In the park?' said Althea, incredulous. 'You could actually do that?'
Now Althea bit her lip. There was no point in daydreaming. She stationed herself at the oneway peephole. The woman who now came within her range of vision was thin of face and well-dressed. She blinked her eyes nervously and hesitated before she knocked.
'Just a moment,' said Althea. She unfastened the chain and the two locks, and the, stepped back so that when the door opened she would be behind it. 'Come in,' she said.
'Where are you?'
'Right behind you,' said Althea, her hand on her gun. 'You're not very smart to walk right in like that, are you?'
'But I know who you are,' said Sally Milford, her eyes wide with fright.
'My husband and your husband are good friends.'
'The first thing you have to learn,' said Althea, 'is not to trust anyone.'
She kicked the door shut. 'Hold up your hands.' She found a small acid gun in Sally's purse and a knife in the pocket of her jacket. 'Just put them on the table,' Althea directed, 'and then sit down. Would you like some coffee?'

Question 4 :
'Things are so different now'. What were they like in the past?
Pick out four elements from the text.

Question 5 :
What gift did Althea get for her marriage ? What does it show about the world she lives in? (30 words)

Question 6 :
What brought about the right to carry weapons? Why was it decided? (30 words)

Question 7 :
'There is only one crime, and that is to be a victim.' implies that (tick the correct answer) :
-Althea thinks it is anyone's right to defend themselves
-self-defense is criminal
-crime does not make sense

Question 8 :

Question 9 :
The visitor is :
Tick the correct answer and find two justifications in the text.

Question 10 :
Why did Althea step back so as to position herself behind the door when it opened ? (20 words)

Question 11 :
'The first thing you have to learn is not to trust anyone.'
What shows that the visitor has already learnt the lessons ? (20 words)

Compétence linguistique :
I) Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meaning.
1)Sally and Althea exchanged glances.
Sally and Althea looked at ...............
2)The two women had got guns.
............ had got guns.
3)Sally had got a knife in her pocket. Althea too.
Sally had got a knife in her pocket. ..........had Althea.
4)Sally did not trust Althea. Althea did not trust Sally.
........ Sally .......... Althea thought the other was trustworthy.
5)Cary and George are colleagues at work.
Cary works in ........ Factory ..... George
6)Althea and Sally stood on either side of the door.
They positioned .......... on either side of the door.
7)She pronounced the words but regretted it immediately..
.........had she pronounced the words..... she regretted it.
8)She stepped back so that she would be behind the door.
She stepped back......... be behind the door.
9)Why did she tell this woman she was going out?
She shouldn't ..........this woman she was going out.
10)How quiet life was in those days!
It was........quiet life in those days!

II)Match the modal verbs with their meaning : habit in the past - permission - polite offer - feeling of obligation - possibility in the past - possibility in the present.
1)'I must see you.' : ........
2)'You can come up.' : ........
3)'They would wear blue uniforms..': .......
4)'Why I can even remember the time..' : .........
5)'We could take a walk in the park.' : ........
6)'Would you like some coffee?' : ..........

III)Fill each of the blanks with the suitable prepositions.
What did Sally want to see Althea for ?
Was it to rob her ....... something ? to borrow something ........her ? to reproach her ....... something ? to provide her ........ important information ....... her husband? to warn her ...... something ?

IV)Complete sentence b. so as to express the same idea as sentence a. .Use elements of comparison.
1)a. A weapon is not the best thing you could give me.
b. It is the ........... thing you could give me.
2)a. There are more and more criminals these days.
b. There are ......... and .............. honest citizens.
3)a. Althea is the most suspicious member of the family.
b. She is the .......... trustful member of the family.
4)a. She is more cautious than she used to be.
b. She is .......... neglectful than before.
5)a. Regulations are stricter than they used to be.
b. They are not .......... lax ........ before.
Posté le 29 déc. 2010

4) "les choses sont si différentes maintenant"
Comment était-ce dans le passé? 4 éléments pour justifier
=> passage où Althea se remémore la discussion avec sa mère

5) Quel cadeau Althea a-t-elle reçu pour son marriage? Que cela signifie-t-il au sujet du monde dans lequel elle vit?
=> juste avant la discussion avec sa mère

6)Qu'est-ce qui a amené le droit du port d'armes? Pourquoi cela a-t-il été décidé?
=> discussion avec sa mère

7) 'There is only one crime, and that is to be a victim.' signifie (coche la bonne réponse):
-Althea thinks it is anyone's right to defend themselves (Althea pense que tout le monde a le droit de se défendre)
-self-defense is criminal (la légitime défense est un crime)
-crime does not make sense (les crimes n'ont aucun sens)

9) Le visiteur est:
-desperate (désespéré)
-fearful (apeuré)
-aggressive (agressif)
Tick the correct answer and find two justifications in the text.
(coche la bonne réponse et trouve 2 justifications)
=> passage où Sally (le visiteur) entre

10)Pourquoi Althea s'est-elle mise derrière la porte pour l'ouvrir?
=> passage de fin, quand Sally entre, où se trouve physiquement Althea par rapport à Sally?

11) "La première chose à retenir est de ne faire confiance à personne". Quels éléments montrent que le visiteur a déjà appris la leçon?

Voila déjà pour la partie compréhension.
Je t'ai traduis les questions pour que tu sois sure de ce que tu dois chercher. J'ai ensuite indiquer dans quelle zone chercher.
Posté le 29 déc. 2010
As-tu commencé à traiter la partie linguistique?
C'est généralement toujours le même type de questions, il faut savoir maitriser ces règles de grammaire.
Essayes de faire ce que tu peux, propose tes réponses, je te corrigerai. Je te guiderai pour le reste si nécessaire.
Posté le 29 déc. 2010
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide. J'ai réussi à répondre à toutes les questions. Par contre pour la partie linguistique, je ne comprends pas trop ce que je dois faire en fait
Posté le 30 déc. 2010
partie linguistique:
I/ tu dois compléter la 2ème phrase de telle sorte qu'elle ait le même sens que la 1ère
1)Sally and Althea exchanged glances.
Sally and Althea looked at ...............(each other)
=> Sally et Althea échangeaient des regards
Sally et Althea se regardaient l'une l'autre.

ce sont généralement des mots de comparaisons, des liens logiques, des mots d'exclamation...

II/ les 6 phrases ont un modal (must, can, may..). Chaque modal a un sens, à toi d'associer un des sens proposé à chaque phrase
1)'I must see you.' : ........(feeling of obligation)

III/ remplis le texte avec les bonnes prépositions:
to, about, for, of, from,....

IV/ tu dois compléter b avec des éléments de comparaison pour que b ait le même sens que a
comparatif supériorité: more ... than
comparatif infériorité: less ... than
comparatif d'égalité: as ... as
superlatif: the most ...; the least ...

Posté le 30 déc. 2010
Merci beaucoup.
Je n'ai toujours pas compris le I).
Sinon j'ai fais le reste, mais je doute pour le III) :

What did Sally want to see Althea for ?
Was it to rob her about something ? to borrow something to her ? to reproach her of/about something ? to provide her about important information to her husband? to warn her from something ?
Posté le 30 déc. 2010
What did Sally want to see Althea for ?
Was it to rob her OF something ? to borrow something FROM her ? to reproach her of something ? to provide her (rien) important information ABOUT her husband? to warn her ABOUT something ?

I/ je te donne d'autres exemples
2)The two women had got guns.
They both had got guns.
3)Sally had got a knife in her pocket. Althea too.
Sally had got a knife in her pocket. So had Althea.
4)Sally did not trust Althea. Althea did not trust Sally.
Neither Sally nor Althea thought the other was trustworthy.
5)Cary and George are colleagues at work.
Cary works in the same Factory as George
Posté le 30 déc. 2010
si j'ai compris,
la 6) c'est :
They positioned themselves on either side of th door ?
Posté le 30 déc. 2010

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