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Publié le 18 avr. 2019 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 avr. 2019 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

I'm going to talk about the idea of progress. This notion can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change, scientific or social, an advance which would permit people to have a better living condition and to feel happier. Even if most of the people think progress it's beneficial, is still debated because some people fear it. Today we are going to talk about social evolution, in terms of gender parity. *


So we can ask ourselves: in what sense can human’s right be considered as a form of progress? To answer this question we are going to study different documents which deal with this notion.

1)First, I will tell you about the progress of human’s rights with the example of Nelson Mandela, Then I will tell you about the progress of women's rights in India


Firstly, Nelson Mandela was a South African politician and activist. On April 27, 1994, he was made the first President of South Africa elected in a fully represented democratic election. Mandela was also the


First black President of his country, South Africa.

this year in English, we saw the film of Justin Chadwick "a long walk to Freedom" this film shows the life and the fight of nelson Mandela alias Madiba.  Thanks to many cinematographic processes, he manages to show the difficulty that had Mandela to fight for human rights and against racism.


Nelson Mandela actively participated in the fight, first peaceful then can a little violent held Nelson Mandela face the white leader of South Africa, he participated in the recognition of Black people of South Africa as being equal to white what at that time was sensational


Progress for women's rights in India, for example, is still far from over, Indian families prefer to have boys because it creates fewer constraints, boys can help in the fields and there is no need to pay the dowry we saw an example of this injustice with an excerpt from the book of Shilpi Somaya Gowda: Another girl in this excerpt, a future pregnant mother does not dare to announce to her husband that their future child is a girl for fear of seeing her take off

the result of this gendercide is a cruel lack of girl in India, indeed we saw in a document of our book that there were only nine hundred and forty women per thousand men


To conclude, although many men and women have fought for human rights, there is still some way to go in some countries and culture, fortunately, there are still men and women today who are fighting for Equality of rights between humans

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1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 avr. 2019

Salut! Dans ton introduction tu devrais faire une petite présentation de tes docs au lieu de mettre que tu as vu plusieurs documents en rapport avec cette notion. 

Ton annonce de plan dis plutôt: First, I will tell you about the evolution of human rights through Nelson Mandela’s struggle.

Et tu met pareil pour la 2ème partie, change juste progrès par l’evolution, parce que pour les femmes en Inde il n’y a pas forcément de progrès enfin c’est mon avis. 

Je trouve que tu devrais donner un peu plus d’exemple. Montres qu’il lutte vraiment pour l’égalité des hommes noirs. Dans ton dernier paragraphe dans la 1ère partie: as being equal to white people [...]

Tu as de bonnes idées mais tu ne montres pas vraiment en quoi Nelson Mandela a fait évoluer la chose ni l’évolution/ le progrès des droits des femmes en Inde. 

(Je passe aussi les oraux la semaine prochaine, bonne chance à toi) 

2ème partie:

However,progress for women's rights in India is still far from over, Indian families prefer to have boys because it creates fewer constraints,the boys can help in the fields and there is no need to pay the dowry. we saw an example of this injustice with an excerpt from the book of Shilpi Somaya Gowda: ( quel livre?) 

She is a future mother. She is pregnant and does not dare to tell her husband that their future child is a daughter for fear that she will be taken away. The result of this selection of gender is a cruel lack of girls in India, in fact, we saw in an extract of our book that there were only nine hundred and forty women for every thousand men. This situation is due to infanticide.



To conclude, although many men and women have fought for human rights, there is still work to be done in some countries, including India, to ensure that women are more respected. Fortunately, there are still many people today who are fighting for equal rights between men and women but also between the different human races.

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