Correction idea of progress

Publié le 25 avr. 2018 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 mai 2018 dans 5A
18.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je vous sollicite une fois de plus afin d'avoir une correction de mon oral d'anglais sur la notion "idea of Progress" ainsi que des avis. Merci d'avance.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I am going to talk about the notion of progress. First of all, I would like to give a quick definition of that notion. So, the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change like a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. In order to illustrate this notion, we can talk about some documents I studied in class and related to feminism. Therefore, we can wonder to what extent social progress over the past century has led to an improvement in women’s rights?  In a first part, we will be concerned with women’s struggle for the right to vote, then we will look at their fighting for an equal pay with men and finally, we’ll highlight that this fight, despite a clear move, is far from over. 

The first document is in fact some extracts of a movie entitled « Suffragette » which focuses on women who decided to fight to get the vote in England, in the early 20th century. Indeed, before the end of the 19th century, women were inferior to men and it was normal for everyone. Consequently, they founded a movement named « Suffragette » which seeks to defend women’s rights by requesting the right to vote. These women had seen peaceful protest achieve nothing because the British government refused to support them. In response to this, a committed suffragette, Emmeline Pankhurst decided in 1903, to defy the government violently so as to be heard, realizing that was the only route to change.. Indeed, with the film, the director wants to underline that suffragettes were prepared to go to extreme lengths to have their voices heard: They organized riots, chained themselves to railings, put fire to buildings… Many were sent to prison for the participation in such demonstrations but they continued to fight by embarking on a hunger strike. It was also a failure because they were force fed. They were also willing to lose everything in their fight for equality, even life like Emily Davison who ran in front of the King’s horse in 1913. The 1st World War marked a turning point in this struggle because it enabled women to show that they could take men’s places and do the same job. Mentalities evolved so much so that in 1918, an Act of parliament allowed women over 30 the right to vote. It would take a further 10 years to abolish the age qualification. 

By fighting and making sacrifices, these women contributed to a social advance but it’s important not to forget that gaining the right to vote is just a first step in the quest of equality. Actually, women must have to keep fighting to allow progress to move forward. 

Then, extracts from the movie « Made in Dagenham » show us that women were discriminated in the second half of the 20th century because, they were less paid than men for an equivalent job. Indeed, it depicts the first labor strike of the auto plant Ford in London and negotiations that their leaders led to get equal pay for men and women. We can see that Rita, their spokeswoman and the leader of the strike tries to convince the Secretary of State for Employment, Mrs Castle, to guarantee an Equal Pay Act because, according to her, a woman's salary should amount to 90% of a man's salary. At first, she’s reluctant and suggests them 75% under the condition that the women go back to work and said that workers will have to be patient because big issues were still in the hands of men.. Rita absolutely refuses and finally they get 92% of the man’s wages. We’ll have to wait 1970 so that the Equal Pay Act was voted. During the 20th century, we are seeing the establishment of other social reforms which have aimed to put men and women on an equal footing, like the authorization of contraceptive pills, the abortion act in 1967 and others. It makes us realize that the society has evolved significantly since the begging of the 20th century and women have obtained several laws in their favor.

Even nowadays, there are still prejudices and discrimination against women. This is highlighted on an advertisement we have seen in class which describes people including women and children who are asked to do something like a girl. The adults pretend to act like a girl by waving hands or flipping hair. However, young girls act out athletic and make no differences between running like a girl or a boy. This advertisement emphasizes that girls lose their self-confidence during adolescence because of prejudices which make them believe that they don’t have to be proud of being a girl. We can also give the example of a campaign which was created by the United Nations named HeForShe and which is intended to involve men in the fight against gender inequality. Emma Watson delivered a speech for this campaign, using example of her life and said that women starting dropping out of their sports team because they didn't want appear «muscly» and  she affirms that it's right that women should be able the decisions about their own body. 

Those documents were made to raise people’s awareness about current social inequalities between men and women. I totally agree with the idea that although the status of women has evolved, new challenges have emerged, the society impose limits which shoudn't reason to exist and many people especially men, don’t realize that it’s an important and serious cause. 

To conclude, we must acknowledge that the struggle for gender equality has contributed to an improvement in women’s rights and mentalities have evolved since the 1900s. But today, too many people think that the world doesn’t need to evolve more in social terms, and the only progress that we need today is in sciences. But they are wrong because it remains today a lot of injustice. The society has changed and progressed but we should keep in mind that this progress is not complete and even today; women have to fight by creating associations and campaigns to make their voices heard. 


2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 avr. 2018

I am going to talk about the notion of progress. First of all, I would like to give a quick mets pas quick il sert à rien definition of that notion. So, the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change like a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world better. In order to illustrate this notion, we can talk i would like to talk  about some documents that I studied in class and related to feminism. Therefore, we can wonder to what extent social progress over the past century has led to an improvement in women’s rights?  In a first part, we will be concerned with women’s struggle for the right to vote, then we will look at their fighting for an equal pay with men and finally, we’ll highlight that this fight, despite a clear move, is far from over. 

The first document is in fact alors ça dépend si tu le passes en lv1 ou autre mais dit juste le nom du doc présente le prcq the first document c'est bof bof some extracts of a movie entitled « Suffragette » which focuses on women wh  fight to get the in order to be able to vote vote in England, in the early 20th century. Indeed, before the end of the 19th century, women were inferior to men to their counterpart c'est mieux que man and it was unquestionned. Consequently, they founded a movement named « Suffragette » which seeks to defend women’s rights by requesting the right to vote. These women had seen peaceful protest achieve nothing because the British government refused to support them. In response to this, a committed suffragette, Emmeline Pankhurst decided in 1903, to defy the government violently so as to be heard, realizing that was the only route to change.. Indeed, with the film, the director wants to underline that suffragettes were prepared to go to extreme lengths to have their voices heard: They organized riots, chained themselves to railings, put fire to buildings… Many of them were sent to prison in jail c'est en fr que tu dis to prison  for the participation in such demonstrations but they continued to fight by embarking on a hunger strike. It was also a failure because they were force fed. They were also willing to lose everything in their fight for equality, even life like Emily Davison who ran in front of the King’s horse in 1913. The 1st World War marked a turning point in this struggle because it enabled women to show that they could take men’s places and do the same job. Mentalities evolved so much so that in 1918, an Act of parliament allowed women over 30 the right to vote. It would take a further 10 years to abolish the age qualification. 

By fighting and making sacrifices, these women contributed to a social advance but it’s important not to forget that gaining the right to vote is just a first step in the quest of equality. Actually, women must have to keep fighting to allow progress to move forward. elle est stylé la transition c'est bien 

même remarque ; essaye d'en faire un lien et non pas les énoncer Then, extracts from the movie « Made in Dagenham » show us that women were discriminated in the second half of the 20th century because, they were less paid than men for an equivalent job. Indeed, it depicts the first labor strike of the auto plant Ford in London and negotiations vérifie l'orthographe du mot je pense il y a une faute that their leaders led to get equal pay for men and women. We can see that Rita, their spokeswoman and the leader of the strike tries to convince the Secretary of State for Employment, Mrs Castle, to guarantee an Equal Pay Act because, according to her, a woman's salary should amount to 90% of a man's salary. At first, she’s reluctant and suggests them 75% under the condition that the women go back to work and said that workers will have to be patient because big issues were still in the hands of men.. Rita absolutely refuses and finally they get 92% of the man’s wages. We’ll have to wait 1970 so that the Equal Pay Act was voted. During the 20th century, we are seeing the establishment of other social reforms which have aimed to put men and women on an equal footing, like the authorization of contraceptive pills, the abortion act in 1967 and others. It makes us realize that the society has evolved envolved significantly since the begging of the 20th century and women have obtained several laws in their favor.

la c'est bien comme début Even nowadays, there are still prejudices and also discrimination against women. This is highlighted on an advertisement we have seen in class which describes people including women and children who are asked to do something like a girl. The adults pretend to act like a girl by waving hands or flipping hair. However, young girls act out athletic and make no differences between running like a girl or a boy. This advertisement emphasizes that girls lose their self-confidence during adolescence because of prejudices which make them believe that they don’t have to be proud of being a girl. We can also give the example of a campaign which was created by the United Nations named HeForShe and which is intended to involve men in the fight against gender inequality. Emma Watson delivered a speech for this campaign, using example of her life and said that women starting dropping out of their sports team because they didn't want appear «muscly» and  she affirms that it's right that women should be able the decisions about their own body. 

Those documents were made to raise people’s awareness about current social inequalities between men and women. I totally agree with the idea that although the status of women has evolved, new challenges have emerged, the society impose limits which shoudn't reason to exist and many people especially men, don’t realize that it’s an important and serious cause. je te conseille de laisser pr l'entretien le prof te posera forcement une question sur ton avis et au moins t'auras quoi dire 

To conclude, we must acknowledge that the struggle for gender equality has contributed to an improvement in women’s rights and mentalities have evolved tu le dis trop de fois since the 1900s. But today, too many people think that the world doesn’t need to evolve more in social terms, and the only progress that we need today is in sciences. But they are wrong because it remains today a lot of injustice. The society has changed and progressed but we should keep in mind that this progress is not complete and even today; women have to fight by creating associations and campaigns to make their voices heard. 


C'est bien, c'est clair, je t'ai corrigé certains trucs a toi de voir si tu veux les garder 

On est tous les deux dans la même galère

bon courage 


Posté le 27 avr. 2018

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