Correction rédaction en Anglais

Publié le 2 déc. 2018 il y a 5A par sarahpcrd20 - Fin › 5 déc. 2018 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

bonjour alors voila , j'au une rédaction a faire en anglais avec cette problematique '' is food the only way to  discover a foreign culture '' et voila ce que j'ai fait :

Culture is the set of knowledge , know-how , traditions and customs that characterize a population . Food is one of the elements that can represent a civilization .If we take for instance the Island of Reunion , several traditional dishes can share the Reunion culture. However , food is not the only way to discover a culture . Indeed , religion , art and langages allows to discover a foreign culture .


First of all we will talk about art because it is one of the pillars of culture. The art
includes several areas, painting, singing, dancing, photography etc. But the area
that I think makes it possible to discover a culture is music, singing and dancing.
Indeed the music tells and traces the whole history of a population. Each country
has a traditional music at the meeting is the maloya it is necessary if we want to
discover the Reunion culture to be interested in this song which is also a dance
because these musical practices are brought to the island by the slaves, the
engaged, but also the French settlers since the seventeenth. Music is therefore
of great importance because through instruments and songs one can simply learn
about the history of a society. Traditional songs are therefore a good way to
discover foreign culture.
We can also discover a culture through the different beliefs that each country
possesses. It may be surprising that, from one country to another, the same
religion is not practiced in the same way, so it may be interesting to discover
a religion or even to revisit a religion.
To conceal there are many ways to discover a foreign culture other than food we
have seen three areas such as art, beliefs and languages ​​all its people to form a
civilization sharing the same culture. Food is not the only way to discover a foreign





Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Mon niveau d'anglais est catastrophique , et quand il s'agit de faire des redactions je m'aide beaucoup d'internet j'aimerais vos conseilles afin d'améliorer ce que j'ai fait . Es ce lisible ? ai je respecté la consigne ? les fautes ?

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