
Publié le 30 sept. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 2 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

vous étabierez un dialogue entre un père et son fils qui se dispute .
Juste besoin d'une traduction en anglais SVP .

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

F: Comment tu savais que j'étais au cinéma papa ?!
P: Tu te fou de moi ? Ton école m'a appele pour me signaler ton absence .
F : A bon ?
P: Pourquoi as tu louper les cours pour voir ce film !
F : Comprend moi papa , j'ai étais influencer par Craig car lui c'est parent voulais bien.
P: J'en ai rien a faire. T'es assez grand pour dire à ton ami que tu avais encore des cours a l'heure ou le film commencé !
F : Sa veut dire que .. tu vas me punir ?
P: Oui , tu as bien compris . Tu n'avais qu'a pas me mentir ; Tu me déçoit .
F: n'exagère pas papa ; pour une fois .. je ne recommencerais plus.
P: tu te débrouille pour ton absence à l'école ; il est or de question que je le signe .
F : j'ai des tord je l'avoue .
P: Plus de TV ; Plus d'ordinateur jusqu'a que je lève la punition.
F : Craig et moi avions pris nos distances et nous voulions nous retrouvé.
P: Celà ne change en rien .

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 sept. 2011
F: How did you know that I was in film Daddy?!
P: You're mad at me? Your school called me to report your absence.
F: A good?
P: Why did you miss classes to see this movie!
F: Includes my dad, I was influenced by Craig's parents wanted him as well. P: I have nothing to do. You're old enough to tell your friend that you were still going on right or movie started! F: It means that .. you're going to punish me?
P: Yes, you understood. You did not lie to me's, you disappoint me.
F: Dad not exaggerating, for once .. I will never again.
P: you managed to your absence from school and is golden question I sign.
F: I have wrong I admit it.
P: More TV, More computer until I lift the punishment.
F: Craig and I had taken our distance and we wanted to found.
P: It does not change.
Posté le 30 sept. 2011
f: dad, how did you know i was to the cinema ?
p: are you makig fun of me ? your school called me to signalize your absence.
Posté le 30 sept. 2011
Comment tu l'as écrit en français c'est très familier, alors ma traduction l'est aussi, j'espère que c'est bien ce qu'il te faut.
F: How did you know I was in the theater ?!
P: Are you kidding me? Your school called me to report your absence.
F : Really?
P: Why did you missed class to see this movie?!
F : Look dad, Craig made me do it, he influenced me, his parents were alright with that.
P: I don't care. You're old enough to tell your friend that you had class when the movie started.
F : Does that mean you're going to punish me?
P: Yes, you understood, you shouldn't have lied to me. I'm disapointed.
F: Come on dad! I swear i won't do this again!
P: No more TV, no more computer, unless I agree.
F : Craig and I didn't see each other for so long, we just wanted to meet again
P: That doesn't change anuthing!
Posté le 30 sept. 2011

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