Ecrire la suite d'une histoire

Publié le 7 nov. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 9 nov. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Imagine the conversation between Adam's mother and father when they receive the message "Just stay quiet and all safe" and they find out their son is missing.

Je n'ai pas encore terminé mais pouvez vous me dire si j'ai fais des fautes sil-vous-plait.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

After reading the message " Just stay quiet and all safe" ...
" What is this ... this this message Mike ?
Leave me reflect please Tia, it's so strange !
I know Mike but ...
Must to act, ME TOO I KNOW CRY MIKE ! QUESTION OF MY SON ! MY SON, my baby, my life ...
He is also my son, you know that ?
I'm sorry, I'm so worried ! What is the meaning of the message in your opinion ? Why Adam is absent ? Where is he ?
I don't know ! In this picture, it happens that is Adam, look !
T think Adam is implies in the suicide of his classmate ! That time, it's was really strange.
I also think is implies in this story but i don't believe he did anything wrong !
You think he saw his friend to commit suicide ?

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 nov. 2010
àmon avis tu n'as pas fais de fautes j'éspére que tu auras juste à ton devoir bonne chance ;)
Posté le 8 nov. 2010
Bonjour Ilyana7,

Voici ton text corrigé:

"After reading the message:
"Just stay quiet and you'll be safe"...
"What is this... this, this message Mike?
Let me read please Tia, it's so strange!
I know Mike but...
Should we do somthing? ME TOO I KNOW CRY MIKE! QUESTION OF MY SON! MY SON, my baby, my life...(je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire par là)
He is also my son, you know that?
I'm sorry, I'm so worried! What is the meaning of the message in your opinion? Why isn't Adam here? Where is he?
I don't know! In this picture, it happens to be Adam, look!
I think Adam is implied in the suicide of his classmate! That time, it's was really strange.
I also think it implies in this story but I don't believe he did anything wrong!
You think he saw his friend commit suicide?
I don't think it was a suicide! I think he saw maybe what happened.
It's possible, but what got done? I want to find my son!"


Benjamin CNED 3ème

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