Expression orale d'anglaids

Publié le 25 avr. 2019 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 avr. 2019 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, j'aimerai une correction de mon texte car je passé très bientôt l'expression orale d'anglais, cest le texte portant sur la notion seats and forms of power et le thème gun violence

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Today, I’m going to deal with the notion seats and forms of power. To quickly define it, generally, “power” 

implies a form of control on somebody or something. This last is exercised in different forms (legislative 

for example), in certain places. The power is equally the ability to influence the society and to make things 

happen, despite resistance or opposition. Of course, this leads to conflict between those who have power 

and those who don’t have it. To illustrate this notion, I’m going to talk about the situation of Gun’s 

violence in The United States of America. Indeed, when we think of power, the influence of weapons in 

the USA plays a major part in the society. Anchored in the culture and in the history of this country and

viewed as a symbol of freedom but also like the cause of many deadly tragedies, weapons are today the 

subject of debates. This topic of actuality divides profoundly the American society. This leads me to 

wonder why the right to bear a firearm is it so debated and contested, and why this does not lead to a 

gun law or a stricter regulation about their sale and possession? Because today, guns are always also 

used and easy to access legally.

To answer this problematic, I first will evoque a succession of tragedies that divided American society 

about the carrying of guns and that prompted debate. Then, I will explain in what USA are a gun nation

and therefore, a danger nation. And finally, I will show in what Donald Trump and the NRA constitute 

two big opponents of gun control.

1. A succession of tragedies that divided American society about the 

carrying of guns and that prompted debate 

To begin with, a succession of tragedies divided the American society about the carrying of guns and 

prompted debate. Indeed, these last years, several slaughters by gun took place in the country, and in 

particular at schools, but not only. Firstly, there have been the Columbine high school shooting, on April 

1999, in Colorado, where two teens named Dylan Klebold and Eric Harrys killed thirteen people, wounded 

twenty people and they committed suicide. Perhaps they caused this bloodbath because they played 

violent video games, they had been bullied, or they were fascinated by goth culture. Next, this crime 

trigged a national debate on gun control and school safety. Secondly, we studied the front page of the 

NYT that talked about this massacre. It was intituled “The Monsters next door”, and we canned saw the 

photo of the victims around the photo of the two murderers. This document clearly illustrates the fact 

that behind any people no matter his appearance can hide him a murderous. This killing, but also the 

Parkland high school shooting where seven-teen people were killed on February 2018, in Florida, and 

many other slaughters caused by gun’s violence created indignation and the feeling of not being safe at a 

lot of Americans. In a listening session at White House after a school shooting, related by NPR, Justin 

Gruber who is a survivor of the shooting said he never felt the sense of security. Finally, the mass shooting 

committed by Adam Lanza, where twenty children and six adults lost their lives shows that an isolated 

person, excluded, and without friends maybe could have violence trend and that it’s too dangerous to let 

guns in their hands. What I’m getting at is that the American society is profoundly divided. Indeed, one 

the one hand, there are pro-guns, who defend the right to carry a weapon, as it is written in the second 

amendment of the American Constitution, they are essentially represented by the members of the NRA. 

On the other hand, there are the proponents of gun control, who represent many American citizens and 

who think it’s necessary to regulate the carrying of arms, because their security depends on it.

2. U.S.A. are a gun nation and therefore, a danger nation 

In addition to this, we can say that USA are a gun nation, because guns are anchored in their culture and 

in their history. Firstly, firearms are allowed for everybody and it’s too easy to buy them legally. For 

example, in Texas, Gun show is a gun shopping where anybody citizen with driver’s licence can buy guns 

legally. He also must pass a background check, but only at a licensed seller. Indeed, he can buy a gun at 

private seller where he doesn’t need to pass a background test. So, a gun easily could be fell in hands of 

crazy people, with mental health troubles or in hands of criminals as well. That’s right that is dangerous. 

This is a loophole in the law, which is exploited by bad intention’s peoples. Secondly, in class, we have 

seen a provocative picture where a father claims his attachment to firearms, posing with a gun in the right 

hand and her daughter on her left. He thinks that they permit him to protect him, his family and his neigh 

bows. Moreover, for him, guns are relaxing, guns are a way to feel powerful, guns are his liberty. His 

daughter reminds us that his father wants to protect her and didn’t have the finger around the trigger. 

This document clearly illustrates the fact that today, many people are pro-guns because they received an 

education by pro-guns. Thirdly, the 2

nd Amendment of the US constitution was adopted in 1791, and it 

guarantees the right to bear an arm to any American citizen. It is defended by many reactionaries, and it’s 

because of them that guns law can’t see the day. 

3. D. Trump and the NRA constitute two big opponents of gun law 

One last aspect is that of the influence of D. Trump and the NRA who are two big opponents of gun 

control legislation. Firstly, National Rifle Association was founded in 1871 and it’s today the most 

influential pro-gun lobby, she defends the second amendment, therefore, she is radically opposed of gun 

control laws. This lobby has more money than against-guns groups, it has five million members many of 

which are politically engaged. More precisely, this lobby is able to influence elections noting politicians 

according to their opinion about guns, like the legislative branch of congress because he provides money 

to lawmakers. Secondly, a document by Global News says D. Trump remains silent about the question of 

gun laws. Anyway, he destroyed what B. Obama built for gun control. Indeed, he facilitated the access of 

people with health mental disorders to a firearm, he has allowed more people with an arrest warrant to 

buy guns, and he weakened gun control. His decisions have moreover been applauded by NRA. Thirdly, 

after a massacre in school, the father of a victim asked that minimum age for bear a gun is increased, but

the NRA contested this proposal, and nothing followed. This example illustrates the influence exercised by 

the NRA and D. Trump against gun law.


To conclude, I would say that every year, more than hundred thousand persons were wounded or killed 

by firearms in USA. Moreover, this last years, the multiplication of mass shooting sparked a debate about 

guns, above all schools are at the frontline of this kind of tragedy. The country lives in fear, but in my 

opinion, gun laws can’t see the day because opponents of gun control are too powerful, and they use 

dishonest mechanisms like corruption in order to protect the 2nd amendment. NRA says: “To stop a bad 

guy with a gun, you need a good guy with a gun”. When all is said and done, we may say if have not gun, 

don’t need a good guy with a gun, but there exist police who’s the job is that of the good guy. Finally, I 

think gun control is necessary in USA because it's impossible to know if a person is really adapted 

physically and mentally to be allowed to bear a gun. Any person could be suspected to present a danger 

for other people, from day to tomorrow, she can become a murderer. But I'm according with the idea of 

D. Trump which is to arm teachers.

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