fiche de synthese en anglais

Publié le 19 avr. 2019 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 22 avr. 2019 dans 5A

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Bonjour , j'ai un orale d'anglais après les vacances mais je ne sais pas si mes synthèses sont juste pouvez vous m'aidez a les corriger svpp c'est important . Merci de votre compréhension je vous ci joint mes fiches de synthese en espérant avoir une réponse .





I am going to talk about the «Spaces and Exchanges. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion: The notion of space and exchanges is a wide concept which concerns the movement from one place to another. There are several reasons for this movement, some are simply for the adventure, but many others are trying to live and escape poverty. That's what we'll see.

Among the proposals offered in the notion of "spaces and exchanges", I chosen to talk about the immigration of Mexicans in America and we ask why the immigrants want to live in America? Immigration brings only benefits?


indeed, many Mexican dream to live in US. The interview called "New Horizons" is between a journalist and a mexican immigrant. he explains that he is attracted to the US because of the promise of a better life, a new life bringing more wealth and material comfort. He left his wife and child in Mexico looking for a better job, better pay and better living conditions. What attracts also are the good education for his child and the excellent medical facilities increase life expectancy. They know that all this can only be reached through hard work and self-determination and they are ready to endure hardships because as shown in Bruce Springsteen song that talks about the American dream, if immigrants are working very hard, they will have the opportunity to succeed, to wear expensive clothes and buy luxury products. The people immigrated to live in a open society where they could be an equal footing. They were hoping to able to climb the rungs of the social ladder and to start from scratch. The song explains that America was built by immigrants who were living in dire straits with little income. They migrated to America with the hope of better prospects. They had to do tough jobs to integrate into American society such as working in factories
Bruce springsteen seems to idealize America as a new world full of opportunities. We could say he has a jingoistic point of view. However, at the end of the song he reveals that many immigrant have suffered and even died to build America. The american dream is not fulfilled by many immigrants, many remained poverty-stricken and had to face appalling social conditions in America.

Indeed, once arrived in United States everything does not necessarily for the better. Yet he must succeed to arrive over there.

Indeed whe have studied , a text and photograph about the journey and condition of mexican to go to america we will see that it is not always easy to migrate to the US. This t
ext explains how was the trip of Mexican who have decided to migrate illegaly.Mexican wanted help of smugglers to cross the border, so they had paid and were put in a miserable truck. They depend entirely on them .During the trip they must not talking and were threatened. At one point, their smugglers have set a trap and pretended the truck had a problem that there was a breakdown. So he asked the Mexicans to get off the truck. He made the Mexicans think that he was repairing the truck but the smuggler betrayed the Mexicans and left them stranded in the desert. Alone without food or drink, and a scorching sun, they endured excruciating pains. Most Of them slowly died of thirst. 

Mexicans are so attracted to the possibility of a better life that they are not careful. The trip to freedom has turned into a nightmare.


As a conclusion, we can say that they are many exchanges between Mexico and the United States. Immigrants, legal or illegal, bring with them a part of there culture like their language or their culinary specialities and send money earn in the USA to Mexico. They are other economics exchanges on the border like commercials exchanges and drugs dealing.

2eme fiche de synthese

I am going to present the notion “idea of progress” across the topic of robots and technology. Firstly progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change; technical or scientific advance contributes to making the world a better place. Progress is an innovation that allows the modernization of the society and the evolution of the human mind. The question is how technological progress change our world and what are the dangers?

Technology and robots are a great help. Technology is part of our daily lives: smartphones, TVs, computers, Internet, video games, music-playing devices, ect.. Robots are more and more present in our society, for example in industry we use more and more robots. We have studied a video about « kiva robots », these robots are used in California by the American company Amazon. Thousands of robots move around the warehouse to fetch the products and bring them to the workers. Amazon improved its productivity by 20 percent since the robots can complete an order in 15 minutes instead of 19 minutes for a man. Finally, the robots will help the people, not replace them.


Moreover , the robots are more and more important in our society . We will now adress the fear of some people for whom progress leads to the dehumanisation of the world. We studied a photograph that perfectly illustrates this concern . In this photo , we saw adust oectorrin the econdplanfacing a mulrger robot that seems to monitor the human. This concern about the confrontion between men and robots is repeated in many books and film such as robots where robotization replaces humans.I think that their fear is justified but it is also exaggerated for all the fictions of television.


Finally , we can see that robots are part of our society . In china robots replace the waiters in some restaurants. We have to study a press article about robots waiters in China . This press article shows the importance of robots as well as the advancement of technology by using robots in restaurants.



To conclude, progress is essential to the evolution of our world. Moreover that help us having a better life. But, if news technologies have advantages, they have also drawbacks. Finally, it's not scientific knowledge that is either good or evil but the application of it.



  1. 3eme fiche synthese

I am going to talk about the notion of places and forms of power. First, I would like to give a definition of power. Power is is the ability to control others and to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This of course leads to conflict between those who have and exercise power and those who have none or little of it. As a consequence, the exercice of power within a community requires that its members accept a complex system of laws and respect symbols such as specific places especially court, parliament and prison. To illustrate this notion, I have chosen to focus on South African places and forms of power. How can people from different cultures live together in harmony ? First I will show how apartheid was put in place and I will highlight the opposition of this forms of power. Eventually, I will relate the burying of apartheid and the difficult creation of an harmonious nation in spite of different cultures.

We have studied the establishment of Apartheid in South Africa. It was set by the National Party, which won the election in 1948. It led to a brutally codified segregation between Blacks, Asians, Coloured people and Whites who took advantage of the formers. Many Afrikans, who did not work for white people where packed in Bantustans, which were poorly equipped and were far away from the major cities ; while those who worked for Whites had to leave in townships such as Soweto and needed passbooks to get into “white cities”. This law aimed at creating a separate nationhood.
Moreover , we have studied a press article from time written by morgan freeman to pay tribute to mandela who had died .Morgan freeman insists on the legacy of mandela to schow that he is an exemple that everybody should try to follow especially. His sacrifice should be forgotten.

Nelson Mandela, which represented a counter power because he struggled tireless for egalitarianism, was put in jail and regarded as a political prisoner. 
When Mandela walked out of jail and became the first democratically elected president in 1994, he aimed at building a new South Africa that would be democratic, no racist . As well as writting a new constitution which proclaims the recognition of black people’s rights, he and set Truth and Reconciliation Commission. which highlights his insistence on forgiveness over vengeance and his will to create a unified and harmonious Rainbow Nation. Since his mandate, a black middle-class has been emerging. Besides, politics is no longer the preserve of the whites. 



To conclude, people from different cultures can nowadays live together in harmony thanks to a long and painful fight for equality leading by honorable persons. It is true that there have been major political and social advances in South Africa, however it still remains problems about both corruption and fraud .Moreover economic power is still unequally distributed,a widening gap between the rich and the poor  it still exists a widening gap between the rich and the poor as we could see in the district of Cape town area. 


4eme fiche de synthese

I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all I would like to give a quick definition of this notion. A Myth is an old story, popular or a folklore which is about extraordinary events and portrays courageous heroes. A Hero is an idealized person because he has a lot of qualities and who has performed heroic acts so he regarded as model.  The american dream it is the belief that you can go from rags to riches , you can become rich and have a good life . Anybody can do it on one condition , to work hard , to do your best , to be determined.
is the american dream a myth or a reality 


The term of « myth » refer to a legend a story that is untrue or partially true.It explains the values of a society. The pilgrims were the first european to come to live in the usa. They saw america as a promised Land , a paradise , a land of freedom where they could thrive. They produced Ellis island , the immigrant center in newyork.


moreover , we have studied a song , this name is « springsteen ».

the singer of this song pays tribute to working class people who built America. They did not become rich and famous but they are part of dream because they contributed to the construction of the usa


there are the harsh reality because the immigrant are not everybody a good life in america the photograph « Louisville Floof » shows this situation.This photograph shows the contrast between the declaration of independence( All men are equal) ans the reality ( Black people were segregated and exclued from the American Dream).

There are others song as a song taken from west side story . It takes the form of a confrontation between the girls and the boys who have opposite opinions. For the boy he is immigrants , America is diffficult but for the girls America is the dream.


Now in America there are several heroes . We have studied a painting by an American artist , it dates in 2001. It deals with the terrorist attack in new york. The painting focuses on a policeman and a fireman who are portrayed as heroes because they showed their bravery during the attack , they tried to save people.


Obama his heroes he was the first black president in America , he has showed that the American Dream is not only for descendants of european migrants but also for afro-american. The day of his election is a public holiday in Kenya, to show the respect and the pride that his country of his origins have for him. He succeed in spite of his colour and thanks to his work.



In conclusion, I think that the concept of myths and heroes have an amportant place in the society. 
The society creates myths and heroes to make us dream (pour nous faire rêver) and make us want to become like them. They serve as models to follow in the way we should behave. Furthermore, a fictional hero as real must be courageous, honest, just, that is to say have qualities to serve as a good example. 



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