Fiche oral bac-Espaces et échanges

Publié le 17 avr. 2018 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 avr. 2018 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, j'ai fait ma fiche pour mon oral et j'aimerai savoir si elle est correcte et si c'est bien cela qu'il faut faire, merci d'avance. 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The notion I’m going to speak about is SPACES ANS EXCHANGES. First of all, I’m going to define this notion: an exchange is an act of giving and receiving, you can exchange and give ideas goods and services or you could also exchange people for example immigration.

So in relation with the notion, spaces and exchanges, my presentation will deal with this question: In what extent USA profits of the Mexican immigration?

In a first part, I will present you the reason why Mexicans leave their country and in a second part I will the consequences for USA of the immigration.

When Mexicans come to USA, it is for realize their “American dream”, to leave better, but in reality, it’s not going like they think. Arrived at USA, they search a job, they want to work the most quickly possible, they accept all jobs. In a short video, we have seen a Mexican who explain why he wants to leave his country, he said that there are not job in Mexico, and to support his family in Mexico but the separation is very difficult so he doesn’t leave his country with pleasure. Furthermore, they risk their lives to cross the border; they pass by tunnels, by the sea, they move through the sewers. In the document we can see Mexicans people do the housework, make the gardening or work in agriculture, in construction. In addition, American families that employ them pay them a pittance. In generally, they don’t have papers so they got no protections coming from the law, their work conditions are hard to finally not be correctly paid: they’re exploited. The most part of their pay go to Mexico to their families so their lives are even more harshly.

Cross the border is completed only to the Mexicans, go to Mexico for an American is very easy. On the US-mexico border twins-cities were grown. The American companies take advantages of the blowability to Mexico: they put the factories production in the Mexican part for the workforce not expensive at all; and they put all the part conception and development in the American part for qualified workers. It permits to the USA companies to use a labour not expensive without moving between the factory and the head office. This represent saving for companies but it’s unfair competition for the Mexican companies.

The American companies are installed in Mexico they accepted Mexicans people buy their production but, with Donald Trump, the politic of immigration is tougher he will build a wall between USA and Mexico to stop the immigration of Mexicans people in USA.

As a conclusion, Mexicans people make only the thankless tasks, that Americans people don’t want, they’re less payed than American people and they work more hardly. The American companies will seek their labour force in Mexico where the average wage is lower than in USA. Mexico is a country in development maybe he can recover and be independent.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 avr. 2018

Le mieux est d'appeler cette notion "Places and exchanges".

Attention : "To what extent" et non "in what extent".

Posté le 19 avr. 2018

Merci pour votre aide, mais pensez vous que c'est suffisant pour mon oral de bac ou pas ? 

Posté le 17 avr. 2018

The notion I’m going to talk about is SPACES ANS EXCHANGES. First of all, I’m going to define this notion: an exchange is an act of giving and receiving, you can exchange and give ideas goods and services or you could also exchange people for example immigration.

So in relation with the notion, spaces and exchanges, my presentation will deal with this question: To what extent the USA profit of the Mexican immigration?

In a first part, I will present you the reason why Mexicans leave their country and in a second part I will analyse the consequences for the USA of the immigration.

When Mexicans come to USA, it is to achieve their “American dream”, to leave better, but the reality is not what they thought. As soon as they reach the USA, they search a job, they want to work the most quickly as possible, they accept any jobs. In a short video, we watched a Mexican who explains why he wants to leave his country, he says that there are nojobs in Mexico to support his family  but that the separation is very difficult so he didn't leave his country with pleasure. Furthermore, they risk their lives to cross the border; they go through tunnels, by  sea, they move through  sewers. In the document we can see Mexican people do the housework, make the gardening or work in agriculture, in construction. In addition, American families who employ them pay them a pittance. In generally, they don’t have papers so they got no protections  from the law, their work conditions are hard to finally not being correctly paid: they’re taken advance of. The most part of their pay go to Mexico to their families so their lives are even harder.

Crossing the border is completed only by the Mexicans, going to Mexico for an American is very easy. On the Us-Mexican border twins-cities have grown up. The American companies take advantage of the blowability to Mexico: they put the production factories  in the Mexican part because of the non expensive workforce ; and they put  the conception and development part   in the American part because of the qualified workers. It allows the USA companies to use a non expensive labour  without moving between the factory and the head office. This represents saving for the companies but it’s an unfair competition for the Mexican companies.

The American companies are settled in Mexico they are happy that Mexican people buy their productions but, with Donald Trump, the politic of immigration is tougher. he will build a wall between USA and Mexico to stop the immigration of Mexicans people in USA.

As a conclusion, Mexican people make only the thankless tasks, that Americans people don’t want, they’re less payed than American people and they work harder. The American companies will look for their labour force in Mexico where the average wage is lower than in the USA. Mexico is a country in development maybe he can recover and be independent.


Posté le 19 avr. 2018

Merci pour toutes vos corrections, mais est ce que je dois améliorer ça sur le fond de ma présentation ou pas ? Est-ce convaincant ? 

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