lele oral theme

Publié le 3 juin 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 juin 2018 dans 5A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour! voilà ce que j'ai fait j'aimerais une correction et/ou amélioration ainsi que pour la conclusion j'ai du mal à la faire :/


Im going to talk about the theme the author playing with language, language can be defined as a characteristic style of speech or writing, a system for the expression of thoughts, feelings, etc. So we'll try to figure out How do the authors use language to express feelings. To illustrate that theme, I have chosen 3 poems. So First of all, we will talk about Funeral Blues by Auden in 1938. Afterwards, we will focus on my mistress eyes, sonnet 130 by shakespeare in 1609. And finally, we will deal with the poem tonight at noon by adrian henry in 1967

In funeral Blues, the poet appears to be suffering the loss of someone close. He calls for a public lament, demanding that nothing may get in the way of his mourning. "Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone" conveys the meaning of overwhelming grief, tragic loss, and an unrelenting pessimism best exemplified in the last lines, "For nothing now can ever come to any good." The tone of the poem is that of a melancholy sadness enforced by the internal rhyme scheme (aabb) and the melodic iambic pentameter used. The author shows reverence for this man by using exaggerated metaphors to imply his importance to the author. Line 9, "He was my North, my South, my East and West," demonstrates the relationship between the two men and combined with the next line, "My working week and my Sunday rest," implies this relationship to be of a very intimate nature. The pessimism of the poem is captured best in line 16, “For nothing now can ever come to any good.” The death of this man has devastated the speaker in such a way that he feels both without purpose and unable to see any good in the world. This line concludes the poem and emphasizes the melancholy tone evident throughout. Like the death of his lover, the last line emphasizes the finality of life and an end void of purpose.

In "Sonnet 130" Shakespeare gently mocks the established conventions of courtly love poetry that often used elaborate metaphors and similes in praising the object of the poet's affections
Thus, Shakespeare is using all the techniques available, including the sonnet structure itself, to enhance his parody of the traditional Petrarchan sonnet typified by Sidney's work. But Shakespeare ends the sonnet by proclaiming his love for his mistress despite her lack of adornment,******************* so he does finally embrace the fundamental theme in Petrarch's sonnets.

Tonight at noon is a poem that contradicts itself from the title right up to the ending using much of general knowledge and just meandering the reality around, to create absurdity in the poem. The words ‘tonight at noon’ can be seen at least once per stanza, which shows repetition throughout the poetry. The repetition of the title is effective as Henri keeps on showing that he is constantly contradicting himself.This poem is very comical and serves as a way to get people to laugh, and I find that Henri has attained this very successfully as this poem can make anyone laugh at anytime due to his constant contradicting facts throughout the whole poem.

To conclude, we can see that despite the centuries ???, there are lot of way to express feeling by using language ??

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

merci bien!

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 juin 2018

Sur la langue il n'y a rien à dire sinon bravo ! Il n'y a pas une faute

Pour le fond je trouve l'analyse pertinente mais ce qui me gène c'est la juxtaposition des tes 3 analyses. Bien entendu tes textes n'expriment pas les mêmes sentiments mais il me semble que tu pourrais plus les confronter par exemple si tu vois des procédés stylistes communs tu peux les rassemblés même s'ils n'expriment pas la même chose c'est justement l'occasion de montrer qu'avance un même procédé on peut exprimer des choses différentes. Du coup ne refait pas tout mais essaie de rajouter quelque chose comme ça qui sera plus original plus personnel comme travail.

Pour ta conclusion tu peux dire que la palette des sentiments est très large et que le poète cherche au travers de ses expériences, de ses émotions, de ses rêves... à faire passer son ressenti à son lecteur et que ces émotions malgré la langue qui évolue, si elles sont développées avec talent, restent touchantes pour le lecteur par delà les siècles...

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