Notion Anglais Place and forms of power

Publié le 19 avr. 2019 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 22 avr. 2019 dans 5A

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J'aurais besoin d'aide pour me corriger les fautes de langue mon script pour l'oral du Bac. Il est possible que certaine phrase ne veulent rien dire. Merci d'avance :


I’m going to present you the notion “power and places of power”. For start, I’m going to define you the word power. The power is the influence of person or a group of person can have on others, and the ability to dominate or demonstrate authority on the other group. There are different types of power: the political and economic power like the domination of a dictator with his country or the family and the social power like the parity and equality problem.

In class, we saw this notion with the gun epidemic in the United States of America. Some documents raise the following question: How the gun control can be a power for the United States of America?

We analyse this question with 3 documents, the first is a collection of different numbers and data about the mass shooting, the gun related killings and the gun owning in United States compare to other country. The second named “Child’s answer to gun violence” is a report where children answer to question about the violence in particular in USA and the third is an article of Emanuella Grindberg on CNN named “At least 17 dead in Florida school shooting, law enforcement says”.


1)      With the first document, the data given by percentage permit to say that there is a link between gun-owning and gun-killing. In fact, the US has a rate of 90 firearms per 100 resident is 3 times higher than Canada and the rate of gun-related killings in homicide in US is twice higher than in Canada. Consequently, if the USA control the gun’s possession like other country as Canada would can reduce the number of killings.

2)      The second document is an example of this consequences. In fact, the document refers to a mass shooting that occurred in a school in Florida. The culprit is a former student from the school attacked and is 19 years old. Equipped by a gun, he killed 17 adults and children. The horror of this event permit to American to realize the important to have a gun control and to avoid bad person who uses gun to do awful event.

3)      In contrary with the first and the second document, the last document explains us that the gun control is impossible. It is children who answer about question on violence which say that the weapon’s possession isn’t always good but in America is very complicated to prohibit gun because there is a culture of violence which can’t change. According to children, it’s not the gun the problem it is the user and in this scenario of gun control can do nothing.


The gun control can be a power for the USA because it can reduce the gun-killing and can avoid to have terrible event like a mass shooting in a school but even if there is a gun control, there always is people who going to do mass shooting because the only culprit isn’t the gun but the person who uses it.

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