notion bac myths and heroes

Publié le 17 mars 2020 il y a 4A par lacheny.paloma - Fin › 31 mars 2020 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir

I’m going to talk about the notion myths and heroes. First I’m going to talk more about myths than heroes. So heroes are many characters with superpower or people who save the world and we recognize ourselves in these heroes.Myths it’s an imaginary story, made up in the past which many people believe in it. In class we worked on the subject of expectation and have worked a lot on the American dream and on the conditions of immigration of people from their country. In order to illustrate this notion I will try to answer the question:

What are the conditions that push people from away their country and can how the American dream can be seen as a myth?

To answers the question we will start by talking about the different conditions that push people to go to another country to live better that in their country. We can see these conditions in the different document study in class like the written expression make in group and in with my group we put in play a Mexican family who leaves there city because work does not pay enough to support themselves, living conditions are minimal and to put their families in safety.  After we work on a written understanding and in this text the girl lives in Ireland but she doesn’t have work, she has a low salary, living and working conditions are very poor and poor.To finish the people leave their country also because their country is in war and the condition of life are very bad.

Now we can talk about the American dream and is advantage and disadvantage or more precisely what the myth of the American Dream is supposed to be? So we are going to talk about the expectations of citizens and reality. When we talk about the American dream the myth is that there is work lot of work, job, you can live in peace and the myth of the American Dream is supposed to be like in the movies this is the information given in our written expression. In America according to the myth of the American dream people can found a lot of work in the office and not in the factory, when you leave your country in America the myth is that you will always find a part of your home and people in America are adorable, you can be rich, happy, proud...

But in America the myth of American dream can become quickly a nightmare for example when the country changes of president who decides to remove the immigration laws and to send everyone back to his country. The young Eilis in thewritten understanding Brooklyn will be far from his family and it’s hard for her mother, it could be dangerous, the trip is long and life is very expensive in United State so the myth of the American dream is not to is not all pink is surely only something imaginary and an image of the United States invented.


To conclude many people leave their country to live in a country that will sell them dreams like America. In their country the living conditions are poor, the war, the means of living, the work... But the American dream can be a myth because indeed America is seen as the perfect country of migration but in reality is it not just an image that we give to America?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un pouvait eventuellement me corriger pour pas que j'apprenne quelque chose de faux pour mon bac ..

je vous rermci d'avance

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 mars 2020

saluttt a part quelque fautes de conjugaison c'est top


I’m going to talk about the notion myths and heroes. First I’m going to talk more about myths than heroes. So heroes are many characters with superpower or people who save the world, and we recognize ourselves in these heroes. Myths it’s an imaginary story, made up in the past which many people believe in it. In class, we worked on the subject of expectation and have worked a lot on the American dream and on the conditions of immigration of people from their country. In order to illustrate this notion I will try to answer the question:

What are the conditions that push people from away their country and how can the American dream can be seen as a myth?

To answers the question we will start by talking about the different conditions that push people to go to another country to live better that in their country. We can see these conditions in the different document study in class like the written expression make in group and in with my group we put in play a Mexican family who leaves there city because work does not pay enough to support themselves, living conditions are minimal and to put their families in safety. After we work on a written understanding and in this text the girl lives in Ireland, but she doesn’t have work, she has a low salary, living and working conditions are very poor and poor. To finish the people leave their country also because their country is in war and the condition of life are very bad.

Now we can talk about the American dream and is advantage and disadvantage or more precisely what the myth of the American Dream is supposed to be? So we are going to talk about the expectations of citizens and reality. When we talk about the American dream the myth is that there is work lot of work, job, you can live in peace and the myth of the American Dream is supposed to be like in the movies this is the information given in our written expression. In America according to the myth of the American dream people can find a lot of work in the office and not in the factory, when you leave your country in America the myth is that you will always find a part of your home and people in America are adorable, you can be rich, happy, proud...

But in America the myth of American dream can become quickly a nightmare for example when the country changes of president who decides to remove the immigration laws and to send everyone back to his country. The young Ellis in the written understanding Brooklyn will be far from his family and it’s hard for her mother, it could be dangerous, the trip is long and life is very expensive in United State so the myth of the American dream is not to is not all pink is surely only something imaginary and an image of the United States invented.

To conclude many people leave their country to live in a country that will sell them dreams like America. In their country the living conditions are poor, the war, the means of living, the work... But the American dream can be a myth because indeed America is seen as the perfect country of migration but in reality is it not just an image that we give to America?

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