notion BAC Space and exchanges terminale

Publié le 14 mai 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 17 mai 2018 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour tout le monde ! 

mon oral de notion se déroule la semaine prochaine et il se trouve que j’éprouve quelques difficultés sur la notion space and Exchanges.

Pourriez vous m'aidez en me corrigeant sur mes fautes et mes tournures de phrases ?

Je vous remercie d'avance !


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


The notion I’m going to deal with is “spaces and exchanges”

This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies.

Our world is built on the exploration and conquest of new spaces. And this discovery must be shared. That’s the exchanges. An exchange is the act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. This interaction can take several forms: economic, trading across borders, cultural, exchanges of ideas, information, movement.

We will especially focus on British domination over India.

In order to illustrate this notion, I will try to answer the following question: what are the issues and the difficulties encountered by colonization?

My presentation is made up of three main parts:

I would first like to concentrate on the balance of power between British and Indian. then I will move on to the rebellion of Indians and finally, I will talk about the improvement of the indian exchange.

First of all, I would like to talk about several documents that we studied in class:

In fact, in class we had analysed a text from Maria BARRETT, Dishonored and in particularly an extract which talk about the reception of a British colonel and an important Indian officer.

This text makes us think about the cohesion between the Indians and the British.

At first glance, the two protagonist, meets with respect and courtesy. Many adjectives are used to convey that the Indian officer is as important in his country as the Colonel is in his. So they are on equal footing.

But when we look closer, we can see that the British colonel is not at ease with the Indian and his family. He might be distrustful, suspicious of them.

I really feel that this text shows us how British regarded the Indians, they considered them as a servant class even if they were high caste.

Also this text reminds us that the cooperation between British and Indians took a whole century and an entirely different form of struggle to reach this goal.

Then, we had talk about a second text, the mahatma Gandhi’s Speech.

This text is about the non-violence and the Ahimsa movement from Gandhi.

In 1922, while he was facing trial in India for taking part in a pro-independence protest that went wrong, Mohandas Gandhi delivered a speech that inspired many social movements of the 20th century.

Indeed, Gandhi warns the people against the danger of hatred towards the British.

He explains the difficulty to fight without resorting to violence.

He turns non-violence into a strategy that will prove very effective in the case of India, since it will lead to independence.

More generally, this exchange of knowledge is very precious.

He makes us see the non-violence like a toilsome but formidable task to struggle without violence.

As far as I’m concerned, this speech is very powerful. This movement led India to independence but otherwise, he gave us a beautiful lesson of morality and life attitude.

Finally, we had study an audio document about the improvement of Indian society after the colonization. In fact, after the proclamation of the independence, a new society came in India. We can think that India has managed to evolve.

But after the end of British domination, India has become a territory that does not trade with

other countries. Another point is the relationship between Indian men and women.

Indian society has incorporated the idea of inferiority of women and low-class people.

And this situation is still valid nowadays even so it tends to change.


As to conclude, I would like to say that the colonisation of India has create discrimination, and inequality. The rebellion, thanks to Gandhi has change the balance of power: Indians fought together and won. But nowadays, there is still inequality over the populations and in particularly with the women.


2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 14 mai 2018

Bonsoir, voici une correction rapide et plus correcte, sauf distraction,


Today, the notion I’m going to deal with is “spaces and exchanges”

This notion deals with geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and interactions between people and different societies.

Our world needs exploration and conquest of new spaces. And theses findings should be shared. That’s the exchanges. An exchange is an act of giving or receiving something in substitution for something else. This interaction can take several forms: economic, trading across borders, cultural, exchanges of ideas, information, movement.

We will especially focus on British domination over India.

In order to illustrate this notion, I will try to answer the following question: what are the issues and the difficulties encountered by colonization?

My presentation is made up of three main parts:

I would first like to concentrate on the balance of power between British and Indian. then I will move on to the rebellion of Indians and finally, I will talk about the improvement of the indian exchange.

First of all, I would like to talk about several documents that we studied in class:

In fact(?), in class we had analysed a text from Maria BARRETT, Dishonored and in particularly an extract which talk about the reception of a British colonel and an important Indian officer.

This text let us think about the cohesion between Indians and British.

At first glance, the two protagonist, meet with respect and courtesy. Many adjectives are used to convey that the Indian officer is as important in his country as the Colonel is in his country. So, they are on equal terms.

But when we look closer, we can see that the British colonel is not at ease with the Indian and his family. He might be distrustful, suspicious of them.

I really feel that this text shows us how British see Indians. They considered them as a servant class even if they were high caste.

Also this text reminds us that the cooperation between British and Indians took a whole century and an entirely different form of struggle to reach its goal.

Then, we will talk about a second document : the mahatma Gandhi’s Speech.

This speech is about non-violence and the Ahimsa movement from Gandhi.

In 1922, while he was facing trial in India for taking part in a pro-independence protest that went wrong, Mohandas Gandhi delivered a speech that inspired many social movements of the 20th century.

Indeed, Gandhi warns the people against dangers of hatred towards British.

He explains the difficulty to fight without resorting to violence.

He turns non-violence into a strategy that will prove very effective in the case of India, since it will lead to independence.

More generally, this exchange of knowledge is very precious.

He makes us see the non-violence like a toilsome but formidable task to struggle without violence.

As far as I’m concerned, this speech seems to me very powerful. This movement led India to independence but otherwise, he gave us a beautiful lesson of morality and life attitude.

Finally, we had study an audio document about the improvement of Indian society after the colonization. In fact, after the proclamation of the independence, a new society came in India. We can think that India has managed to evolve.

But after the end of British domination, India has become a territory that does not trade with other countries. Another point is Indian gender relationships.

Indian society has incorporated the idea of the inferiority of women and low-class people.

And this situation is still valid today although it tends to change.


To conclude, I would like to say that the colonisation of India has led today to discrimination, and inequalities. The rebellion, thanks to Gandhi has change the power's balance: Indians fought together and won. But nowadays, there is still inequalities over people and particularlywith women.


Sinon c'est plutôt pas mal, attention à des fautes évitables (singulier / pluriel : inequality / inequalities par exemple), attention à ne pas abuser du "the" bien que ce ne soit pas trop grave. 

Posté le 17 mai 2018

[ pour continuer la correction de Gautier29820 ]

- ( c'est mieux d'enlever "In fact, in class.." car répétition donc -> )We had analysed a text from Maria BARRETT, Dishonored and in particularly an extract which talkS about the reception of a British colonel and an important Indian officer.

- Finally, we had studiED an audio document about the improvement of Indian society after the colonization.

- The rebellion, thanks to Gandhi has changeD the power's balance: Indians fought together and won. But nowadays, there ARE still inequalities over people and particularly with women.

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