Notion Myths and Heroes

Publié le 21 avr. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 avr. 2017 dans 6A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour je passe mon oral d'anglais dans 2 semaines et j'aimerai avoir votre avis sur ma notion pour pouvoir l'améliorer et corriger mes fautes.

Merci d'avance :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I’m going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes.

First of all, I’m going to give a definition about this notion.

Briefly a myth, it’s a story about gods or heroes who can be a popular belief, a tradition or a false notion. An hero can be a mythological figure. It’s a person admired for his or her achievements, courage and noble qualities. So, mythology includes the legends of our history, our religions, stories of how the world was created and our heroes. There are two types of heroes. The fictitious heroes like Alice in wonderland, James Bond and real heroes who live in our society like Queen Elizabeth II or those who lived in another epoch like Martin Luther King.

What impact do they have on our lives? Why are myths and heroes so important to our society?

In the first one myths and heroes allow to dream, to imagine and in a second part they also allow to follow conducts and ideals of celebrities.

Today, many people like legends, myths, to imagine fabulous and fantastic stories, because the population prefers to flee the reality with these problems. We can  flee the reality  by looking at movies of fiction, by reading books with superheroes and put ourselves in the place of the main character. We appreciate myths like the one of Alice in wonderland, a famous character in the English culture, who discovers an imaginary world.Or still the adventures of the famous Sherlock Holmes with his fascinating inquiries. Sometimes we would like to have the guile and the intelligence to be able to lead enquiries in the streets of London, or to be an agent to have class and courage of James Bond. Our society, we like becoming identified with heroes who have numerous qualities and a beautiful appearance. Children, teenagers often want to look like their favourite hero as Batman, Harry Potter or a famous singer or an athlete as Michael Jordan.

But , there are men women in reality who showed courage and who became heroes. We would like to be famous celebrities who developed mentalities as Martin Luther King , who defended the cause of the blacks and which fought so that all the world possesses the same rights. The fictitious and the real heroes inspire people everyday thanks to their acts.

It is example for the people and show that to defend just causes and fight for something allows to become a hero.

For example, the americans soldiers of the second world war who fought to deliver France and to win the war became heroes.

So, myths, heroes however is the epoch, were always a member of our daily life and can make us dream that they are fictitious or real.

For me, myths and heroes are so important in ours society because they allow us to escape from our sometimes difficult life and we can take example on them to improve our life even if we have no powers to help the others and to defend values.


3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 avr. 2017

hey c'est pas mal je trouve :) t'es en quelle Filière ?

Posté le 22 avr. 2017

Hey !! Merci je suis en terminale ES et je suis vraiment nulle en anglais

Posté le 24 avr. 2017



hero NOT an hero.... He's a person admired....

The fictional heroes... Those who live in a different era...

In the first one myths and heroes allow us to dream...

fictional movies... put ourselves in their place... Like Alice in Alice in Wonderland who is a famous british character....

To have the class... JAMES BOND.

Our society likes to identify with theses heroes 

Their favorite hero like Batman...

But there are real men and women who show courage are become real heroes.

Who develop mentalities such as MLK's, who defended black people's rights and who fought so that everyone could have equal rights...The fictional and real... 

It is the same  for those who defend their countries freedom like the american soldiers who helped free France and win the Second World War.

So myths and heroes no matter what period of time they are from, will always be a part of our lives...


J'ai corrigé quelques fautes et reformulé quelques phrases. Sinon c'était super ! Good luck ! 

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