Oral anglais lv1

Publié le 26 févr. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 févr. 2017 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour !!

Je passe mon oral blanc dans quelques jours et je voudrais avoir une correction ou des avis sur la production merci !! 


I’m going to talk about the notion of « spaces and exchanges ». This notion deals with the humans, financier or cultural flows between different regions of the world. In this way, immigration is an example of these flows. So we will focus on the Mexicans immigration in the US that illustrates human flows between Latin America and North America. We are going to ask “ what are the effect of Mexicans immigration in the Us?
To find answer to this question, i have chosen 3 documents: an extract from the report Food inc. Then 2 extracts from blog. I will study this question along 3 lines. First I will talk about the Mexican’s disillusion. Then we will see why the US rejects now the immigration. Finally I’ll explain that illegal immigrants benefit the US’ economy.
Nowadays, all the Mexicans who yearn for a better life have already tried to cross the US’ Border. In fact, the American dream is so strong in Latin America that the wetbacks are prepared to anything to live in the US. For example, Rosa a personage from “crossing over” crosses the desert 3 times to be in this country. SO, imagine what their deception is when they finally get to US. They are rejected by the society, they have to work in the worst conditions. According to the report food inc, the illegal immigrants work principally in fruit picking and meat packing industry where they have to do the same task again, again and again. They are treated as a machine whose the aim is to work always more and cheaper.
In addition to being exploited wetbacks are totally rejected by the US population. In Fact, because of the economic crisis many Americans lose their jobs, their home.... and illegal immigrants seemed to be a perfect scapegoat. In this way, some lobbyist claim that immigrants steal American’s job, that immigrants are a financial burden etc ....While the US Was a country of immigration since the 17th century !
Paradoxically, the truth is that illegal immigrants are important to the Us economy, as well as vital to some industries. In fact, according to an open letter signed by 500 economists, the illegal immigration is beneficial to the US. For example they represent 50 percents of the famer worker. And so if the illegal immigrants were unauthorized, milk prices would increase about 60%. In this way, tax revenues generated by immigrants exceed the cost of the services they use. Contrary to the common point of view, illegal immigrants are necessary t the US.
To conclude, it must be noted that immigration is first of all a deception for wetbacks who left everything to come in the US. In fact, they are nowadays rejected by the American because of the economic crisis which increases tensions between ethnics. And some people claim that they are invaders. If it’s true, then it might be the firts time in history that a country has employed its invaders.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai finis la readction et j'aimerais quelques avis ou une correction de ma production merci !!! 

10 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 févr. 2017

les fautes d'orthographes et moi, ça fait 2 surtout en anglais mais je peux quand même te conseiller une meilleur intro : "So i’m going to present you the notion of « spaces and exchanges ». First of all i’m going to give a definition. The notion of spaces and exchanges is a broad concept that relates to the movement from one place to another. These exchanges can take several forms : economic, cultural, movement of people. Today, I’m going to talk about the movement of people to the USA in the history." un peu mieux je trouve mais garde ta problématique 

Vu que j'ai pas tes doc ... ça me parrait correct 

pour la conclusion essaye de donner ton avis sur le sujet: "I think that..."

tu peux parler aussi de l'actu avec D. Trumps ou citer une phrase du genre " I quote a sentence of John Fitzgerald Kennedy :
“Everywhere immigrants have enriched and strengthened the fabric of American life”"

Posté le 27 févr. 2017

trump sans s

Posté le 26 févr. 2017

Sinon, penses que de toute facon les fautes écris c'est pas grave si cela ne se s'entend pas à l'oral  xD

Et pense à répéter le texte de façon à t'entrainer

Posté le 27 févr. 2017

sa c'est bien dit

Posté le 26 févr. 2017

google traduction

Posté le 27 févr. 2017

mauvais délire

Posté le 26 févr. 2017

pour introduire la problématique we may wonder est beaucoup mieux 

Posté le 27 févr. 2017

besoin d'aide?

Posté le 27 févr. 2017

Ou tu as deja eu ta réponse?

Posté le 28 févr. 2017


Attention à l'emploi du terme financier ( financial => des flux financiers / a financier : un homme d'affaires ) 

Le nous de modestie n'existe pas en anglais; il faut lui préférer une tournure impersonnelle, it will be interesting to focus plutôt que we will ...

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