Oral "spaces and exchanges"

Publié le 17 avr. 2017 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 mai 2017 dans 6A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, voici ma notion d'Anglais pour le bac sur le thème "Spaces and Exchanges"

Serait-il possible de la corriger?


I'm going to talk about the notion "spaces and exchanges".This notion deals with the different movements that can exist between the different territories of the world. In my presentation, I will present more specifically the migratory movements of the United States with the rest of the world. Indeed, the United States is experiencing more and more immigration, which has both advantages and disadvantages for the country. So, how far does immigration have an impact on the USA? To illustrate this notion, I have chosen three documents treated in class. The first two presents the advantages of immigration, and the later presents the disadvantages of immigration.

Firstly, immigration bring a lot of many advantages to the United States.

The first document is a drawing drawn by Kal in The economist. The main character of the picture is Uncle Sam. He is wearing clothes which represent the American flag, he symbolize the USA. Twelve people are taking care of him : a woman sews his jacket, a man combs his hair and three people iron his trousers for example. These twelve people represent immigrants came from different countries, they occupy unskilled and painful jobs. Indeed, is a metaphor to say that immigrants build and maintain the country. They do jobs that Americans don't want to do. Finally, the USA pulls the profits from immigration, it take care of country and bring workforce.

The second document is an article from Newsweek written by Alan Zarembo. It’s entitled “Why a the caged bird sings”. The journalist describe the Ana's life. She was living in Mexico with her childrens below the poverty line. So she went in the USA to earn money and for make her family have a better life. Today, she is an illegal immigrant in the USA. She is cleaning women, and she earns eight times more than if she had worked in a factory in Mexico. She send money to her family in Mexico. Finally, immigration to the USA allows to offer a better life to the people who need it and to their family. Immigration brings wealth and more diversity in the country.

However, immigration bring also some disadvantages to the United States.

The last document is an audio document entitled "the wall". He talks about the border between Mexico and the United States. The border are very protected: by a solid wall, barbed wires, cameras, drones and agents. Indeed, the barrier supporters say it is to prevent illegal immigrants from entering in the USA because they causes many problems like illegal traffics and violence for example. But the opponents claim the barriers jeopardize the health and safety of those seeking illegal entry into the USA. Finally, immigration makes debate between people for and people against immigration, it cause tensions into the country and racism for example.

To conclude, I think immigration can be a real opportunity to the USA because it bring solutions to the country. But immigration can bring also some problems to the country.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 avr. 2017

Ce devoir est plutôt bon dans l'ensemble. Mais je te conseil de changer un peu l'introduction, du moins les premières phrase car de nombreuses personnes semblent avoir trouvé la même introduction et il serai dommage que ton correcteur s'en aperçoive.

tu pourrait mettre  pour amorcer : I'm going to talk about the notion Spaces and exchanges. This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies.

puis tu continues avec ce que tu as mis sur l’immigration, etc...

Posté le 17 avr. 2017

Hey Cam

Selon moi ta définition pourrait être un peu plus longue mais elle dépend de ce dont ta notion traite. Pour moi j'ai mis : For me, the notion of Spaces and Exchanges refers to the world we live in, borders we cross or not, real places and virtual ones. It also refers to the world we explore, we discover and the world we destroy. There are different kinds of exchanges : media, trade, ...

et je pense que la problématique doit arriver après la présentation des documents. Elle clôture l'introduction.

Sinon c'est très bien mais prépare bien les questions qui vont suivre par rapport à ta conclusion surtout sur la dernière phrase :)  

Posté le 19 avr. 2017

I'm going to talk about the notion "spaces and exchanges". This notion deals with the different movements that can exist between the different territories of the world. In my presentation, I will present more specifically the migratory movements of the United States with the rest of the world. Indeed, the United States is experiencing more and more immigrants, which has both advantages and disadvantages in the country. So, how far does immigration have an impact in the USA? To illustrate this notion, I have chosen three documents treated in class. The first two presents the advantages of immigration, and the latter presents the disadvantages of immigration.
Firstly, immigration brings a lot of many advantages to the United States.

The first document is a drawing drawn by Kal in The economist. The main character of the picture is Uncle Sam. He is wearing clothes which represent the American flag, he symbolizes the USA. Twelve people are taking care of him: a woman sews his jacket, a man combs his hair and three people iron his trousers for example. These twelve people represent immigrants came from different countries, they occupy unskilled and painful jobs. Indeed, is a metaphor to say that immigrants build and maintain the country. They do jobs that Americans don't want to do. Finally, the USA pulls the profits from immigration, it take care of the country and bring workforce.

The second document is an article from Newsweek written by Alan Zarembo. It’s entitled “Why a the caged bird sings”. The journalist describes the Ana's life. She was living in Mexico with her children below the poverty line. So she went to the USA to earn money and for making her family have a better life. Today, she is an illegal immigrant in the USA. She is cleaning women, and she earns eight times more than if she had worked in a factory in Mexico. She sends money to her family in Mexico. Finally, immigration to the USA allows to offer a better life to the people who need it and to their family. Immigration brings wealth and more diversity in the country.

However, immigration brings also some disadvantages to the United States.


The last document is an audio document entitled "the wall". He talks about the border between Mexico and the United States. The border is very protected: by a solid wall, barbed wires, cameras, drones and agents. Indeed, the barrier supporters say it is to prevent illegal immigrants from entering into the USA because they causes many problems like illegal traffics and violence for example. But the opponents claim the barriers jeopardize the health and safety of those seeking illegal entry into the USA. Finally, immigration makes debate between people in and people against immigration, it cause tensions in the country and racism, for example.

To conclude, I think immigration can be a real opportunity in the USA because it bring solutions to the country. But immigration can bring also some problems to the country.


voila il est corrigé :) :=) 

Posté le 21 avr. 2017

C'est bien dans l'ensemble mais pour ta derniere phrase attend toi à avoir des questions xD sinon t'es en quelle filière ?

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