Rapport de stage en anglais

Publié le 3 janv. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 janv. 2012 dans 12A
15.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Mon devoir d'Anglais est fini seulement je ne sais pas si tout est bon, si il y a des fautes a corrigé

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


I am Manon, in last year professionnel high school accounting in Jean Moulin in Béziers. My period of training took place within the company SARL LAUZE AND FILS who is a garage of rectification and distribution of spare parts. During this period i discovered and lernt new things which i was able to exploit while keeping a correct working organization.

The SARL LAUZE & FILS company is situated on her gone up by the Polygone: 102 Boulevard of the Freedom, 34500 Béziers. She takes care of the mechanics general, of the sale and the rectifications.

The training course lasted during six weeks. I wored from Monday to Friday of eight hours at noon and from Two pm of five pm. My position in the company was of helped the accountant as trainee. I studied the recordings of invoices, the banking links, the management. Among the diverse tasks executed, i chose to develop that of the banking link. I chose this teheme because i find that it is one of the most interesting. It is the study which requires fundamental but long works of checking. I also discovered new software to learn all that i have make.

What i most liked in spots has to make was the banking links. It was simple and fast made. The atmosphere of the team was also pleasant.
The most boring in spots were the recordings of invoices. The more there he had it, the more it was fast and thus i worked faster and has strenght there was anything more has to make.

8 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 janv. 2012
LAUZE et FILS. They own a garage, they repair cars and sell spare parts.
quelques questions. Peux-tu explique en français:
on her gone
rectifications: est-ce que tu veux dire: réparations?
the banking links??
in spots??
has strength there was....???
Posté le 4 janv. 2012
I worked from Monday to friday, from 8 to 12 and 2 to 5.In my trainee position I was to help the accountant .I studied the recording of invoices, the banking links and the management.Among my various tasks , I chose to focus on the banking links.I chose this theme because I think it is the most interesting one.It's a fundamental study which requires long hours of checking.I also discovered new software to complete all the things I had to do.
Posté le 4 janv. 2012
a+ mais j'ai besoin des renseignements demandés plus haut
Posté le 4 janv. 2012
oui rectifications c'est reparation selon la traduction. the banking links c'est rapprochement bancaire. in spot : tâche , les taches réalisé en entreprise
et l'autre phrase j'ai du faire une erreur de saisie, je ne me suis pas comprise non plus

merci pour votre aide
Posté le 4 janv. 2012
pour rapprochement bancaire je propose: bank reconciliation

pour recording of invoices: invoice posting/invoice processing

4- STAFF ASSESSMENT: évaluation du personnel
Banking reconciliation was what I liked most to do.It was simple and fast.The atmosphere in the team was pleasant.
The most boring work station ( poste de travail) was the processing of invoices. The more there were , the faster and harder I had to work and I couldn't do anything else.

Je me demande si le mot ASSESSMENT est bien choisi
Posté le 4 janv. 2012
1- I am Manon. I study accountancy at Jean Moulin vocational high school in Béziers.I am in my final year. I went on work experience in a garage ,the SARL LAUZE et FILS .They repair and service cars and sell spare parts. There, I discovered and learnt new things which I was able to experiment with while keeping ?????????

The SARL Lauze et Fils is at 102, Boulevard de la Liberté in Béziers, France. They offer car repair and car maintenance services.
Tu n'as pas mis l'organigramme: patron, chef d'atelier, ouvriers, secrétaires, comptable...
Posté le 4 janv. 2012
3- correction
I worked on the bank reconciliation statements*, the posting/processing of invoices and management.

MANA GEMENT= la direction (comment diriger une entrprise).ESt-ce que c'est ce que tu veux dire?

Bank reconciliation statements: si je comprends bien , il s'agit de relevés qui permettent de comparer les avoirs à la banque et ce qu'une compagnie ou une personne pense avoir .Il peut y avoir des décalages

Posté le 5 janv. 2012
Work experience (pas de the)
I am Manon, and I am an accountant high school student in the professional high school Jean Moulin in Béziers. I completed a training period within the company SARL LAUZE AND FILS a garage specialized in the repairs and distribution of spare parts. During this period i discovered and learned new things which i was able to use while keeping a correct working organization.
2. Overview of the company
The SARL LAUZE & FILS company is located in the Polygone: 102 Boulevard of the Freedom, 34500 Béziers. its main activities are mechanics, sale ?? and je n'ai pas compris ce que tu voulais dire;

The training period lasted six weeks. I worked from Monday to Friday for 8 am to 12 pm and from 2.000 pm to 5 pm.I was in charge of helping the the accountant as a trainee. I studied the invoices processing, the banking reconciliation, and management. Among all the tasks I completed, i chose to work further on the banking reconciliation because it is very interesting to me. This requires fundamental but long works of checking. I also learn a new software to put all my knowledges into practice.

que veut dire spots?

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