The homeless people

Publié le 21 oct. 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 oct. 2018 dans 5A
14.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Bonsoir j'ai comme devoir de décrire une image concernant les sans abris je vous mets la photo et mon texte a corrigé merci

homless london rainCapture555555555

Images concernant mon devoir de Anglais

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

This document is a picture. In this picture we can see a man seated in the rain in a street.

The theme than we are going to deal with are the homeless people, like this photo that I will introduce you,a poor homeless man on the streets of london.


The scene takes place in a london street.In the middle of the picture we can see an old man sitting on newspapers in the street probably for not to be wet, while he already has. Her head is bent down while her eyes look up at the pedestrians.

In the background we can see a pedestrian crossing the street while following his path, without paying attention to the homeless man to his right.

He is surely tired of being seated on the street, tired to be lonely as a sparrow in the rain, hoping that someone will gonna come to help him. he lost all hope of life.

To conclude it's outrageous to see his poor men having neither housing nor help, we live in a society based on promises and not acts.



1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 oct. 2018

Tu ne parles pas des couleurs, de la couverture et du journal dérisoires contre la pluie  .


La marque "Nike" , comme un pied de nez à la pauvreté .


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