traduction en anglais.

Publié le 16 déc. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 déc. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Je me suis servis du traducteur pour traduire mon texte.

Je suis contre une liberté totale des adolescents pour plusieurs raison, d’abord l’adolescence est une étape importante de la vie car de nombreux changement s’opèrent chez l’enfant.
Dans cette période les enfants doivent être sous l’autorité de leurs parents car ils peuvent être amené à avoir de mauvaises fréquentation. A cette âge la on n’est pas conscient de la réalité de la vie. De plus l’adolescent à besoin de ces parents pour un suivi scolaire afin qu’il ai de bon résultat a l’école et réussisse dans la vie. Un jeune à besoin qu’on l’accompagne, qu’on l’aide à faire des choix pour cela je pense que les parents ne doivent pas être accroché a leurs enfants mais les suivre et les surveiller sur leur différentes activités est important.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I am against a total freedom of adolescents for several reasons, first of adolescence is an important step in life as many changes occurring in children.
In this period children must be under the authority of their parents because they can be taken to have poor attendance. At the age of one is not aware of the reality of life. Moreover adolescents need those parents to monitor school so that he did good in school and succeed in life. A young person need to be with it, we help make choices for that I think parents should not be attached to their children, but follow them and watch them on their various activities is important.

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 déc. 2011
i am against total freedom for adolescents/ teenagers...first of all,............occur...........
Posté le 17 déc. 2011
...reasons. First of all.....occurring during childhood....because they can be badly influenced. During this period we are not aware....adolescents need their parents to help them have good results at school and succeed....person needs to be followed , help to make choices. THat's why ....but should follow them and keeping an eye on their various activities is essential.
Posté le 18 déc. 2011
many changes occur during that time.
During that period, teenagers (ce ne sont plus des enfants) need to be guided by their parents because they can be badly influenced. A teenager is not necessarly aware of the reality of life. Moreover, he needs his parents to supervise him during his studies in order to succeed at school and in his life. A teenager needs to be guided, and helped to make important choices. But in my opinion, parents should not be clung to their children and should supervise them during their activities.
Posté le 19 déc. 2011
je ne comprend pas du tout ce que vous avez voulus faire ? =/
Posté le 19 déc. 2011
Après occur vous mettez quoi ?
Posté le 19 déc. 2011
I am against total freedom for adolescent for several reasons, first of all, adolescence is an important step in life as many changes occurring in children because they can be badly influenced. During that period, teenagers need to be guided by their parents because they can be badly influenced. A teenager is not necessary aware of the reality of life. Moreover, he needs his parents to supervise him during his studies in order to succeed at school and in his life. A teenager needs to be guided, and helped to make important choices. But in my opinion, parents should not be clung to their children and should supervise them during their activities.

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