A Spaceship to Heaven - Comprehension

Publié le 17 janv. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 janv. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

First, they packed their suitcases neatly and dressed themselves in black - shirts, pants and tennis shoes. Then, one by one over a period of several days, they ate applesauce or pudding laced with a barbiturate and chased it with vodka. Finally, again one by one, they lay down on cots or bunk beds and, joyously believing they were destined to rendezvous with a heaven-bound UFO, put plastic bags over their heads to hasten death. Two members of the Heaven’s Gate cyber-cult remained alive to remove the plastic bags, drape the 37 bodies in purple shrouds and tidy up. Then, they killed themselves the same way.

The 21 women and 18 men of Heaven’s Gate, many of them computer programmers who called themselves monks, are the most recent victims of charismatic and self-styled messiahs who claim that group suicide leads to spiritual rewards.

The Heaven’s Gate commune, led by former choirmaster Marshall Applewhite, rented the 830-square-m mansion in the exclusive Rancho Santa Fe enclave last October from businessman Sam Koutchesfahani for $10,000 a month. Milton Silverman, the owner’s lawyer, would later tell reporters that the celibate, teetotalling, non-smoking tenants belonged to a religious computer group and believed they were angels.

Applewhite, their 66-year-old leader who died with them, was the son of a Presbyterian minister who worked as a choral director at the University of Alabama in the 1960s. After a near-fatal brush with heart disease in the early 1970s, he left his wife and two children to embark on a nomadic life with Bonnie Nettles, a nurse he met during his convalescence.That search led them to devise their own faith, called "The Process," in which they presented themselves as heavenly messengers from outer space.

In 1974, they persuaded a group of Oregon townspeople to give away all their possessions, and their children, and travel with them to Colorado to be picked up by a spaceship. When the spacecraft failed to appear the following year, the pilgrims became fed up. "Bo" and "Peep," as Applewhite and Nettles then called themselves, were subsequently jailed briefly for possessing stolen credit cards. Afterwards, they continued on their mission while avoiding publicity.

Experts suggest that now preachers are not the only hazard for naïve people ; they say cult recruiters use the Internet to impression gullible people.

Rae Corelli and Anne Gregor, Maclean's, April 1997


Before you read
1.Judging from the pictures (une secoupe-volante et un guru) and the headline of the text, guess what the story is about

Read lines 1 to 11
2.Check your guesses.

Read the whole text
3.Find the names of the cult and its founders, and the number of members.

4.Give as much information as possible about the two cult leaders and their faith.

5.In 1974, they were imprisoned. Why? What happened on their release?

6.Pick out all the elements from the text referring to the cult members' activities and their beliefs.

7.Find as much information as possible about the suicides. Did all the members die at the same time?

8.Quote elements describing their feelings and beliefs before dying.

9.Who and how do preachers and cult leaders recruit? Find reasons why people join cults.

10.Cult leaders are described as "charismatic messiahs". Explain and give your opinion.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1.This is an other dimension.

2.An evasion of extra-terrestre with the objectif to captured humans ans use them before killed them.

3.Heaven's Gate led by Applewhite, his nurse and Milton Silverman.
Numbers are 39.

4.Applewhite got 66 years old and was the son of a minister. Before died, he less his family composed to his wife and 2 childs. This lastest went on a nomadic life with the nurse Bonnie Nettles.

5.In 1974, the extra-terrestre come from to captured them.

6. They were angels.

7.He's suscided him because he know much that he will. The dad before.


9.Applewhite and the nurse. Because they stolen credit cards.

10.They diriged poor (mentaly) people to do what he want.

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 19 janv. 2012
J'ai tout imprimé. Je regarde cela et te corrige les questions.
Tu as bien travaillé tout de même
Posté le 19 janv. 2012
Merci ^^
Posté le 19 janv. 2012
Je ne t'ai pas oublié. Je te poste tout demain!
Posté le 20 janv. 2012
Encore merci x )
Posté le 20 janv. 2012
miren75, le temps passe vite...
Posté le 21 janv. 2012
1.Judging from the pictures (une secoupe-volante et un guru) and the headline of the text, guess what the story is about
Judging from the pictures, I would say it is about UFO's, a cult and a trip on a spaceship to the space.
Read lines 1 to 11
2.Check your guesses.
This is about the suicide of cult members who believed they were destined to rendez-vous with a heaven-bound UFO

Read the whole text
3.Find the names of the cult and its founders, and the number of members.
Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Neetles were the founders of this cult called Heaven's gate. There were 39 members.
4.Give as much information as possible about the two cult leaders and their faith.
Marshall Applewhite was 66 years old and the son of a presbyterian minister. He was a former choirmaster at the University of Alabama in the sixties. After a heart disease in the seventies, he left his wife and his two children and met Bonnie Needles, a nurse. They founded the cult. They thought they were heavenly messengers from outer space

5.In 1974, they were imprisoned. Why? What happened on their release?
In 1974 they were briefly jailed because they had stolen credit cards from a group of Oregonspeople. They remained discrete but continued on their mission.

6.Pick out all the elements from the text referring to the cult members' activities and their beliefs.
They were computer programmers and believed in spiritual rewards.
7.Find as much information as possible about the suicides. Did all the members die at the same time?
The cult members ate applesauce with barbiturate and chased it with vodka. They lay down on cots or bunk bed and put plastic bags over their heads to hasten death. All the members did not die right away. Two remained alive and removed the plastic bags from the other cult members' head and draped the 37 bodies in purple shrouds and tidy up. They finally killed themselves the same way
8.Quote elements describing their feelings and beliefs before dying.
joyously believing they were destined to rendezvous with a heaven-bound UFO,
9.Who and how do preachers and cult leaders recruit? Find reasons why people join cults.
They recruit naive people through internet. People joins cults because they are gullible and weak.

10.Cult leaders are described as "charismatic messiahs". Explain and give your opinion.

They arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm. They have a personal magnetism and succeed in attracting people by making them believe they have the power to perform miracles.

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