aide en anglais merci

Publié le 28 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

le sujet est simple,je devais faire un dialogue entre deux etudiantes une ancienne,et,une nouvelle qui vient d'arriver .
j'ai commencè ce n'est pas encore fini mais si quelque pourrai m'aider pour les fautes d'orthographes,de grammaire ect merci d 'avance :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J _Hello, excuse me, could you help me
I _What you want? I have not the time for the new
_Okay I just wanted to know where it finds the office of the head teacher
_You have that to follow panels it is not hard
_Oh thank you it is too kind
_Sorry I am not really good-humoured.
You have just arrived?
_Yes I am new, and I am lost it is really big here
_Yes but do not worry after a few days, you will find you
_I hope
What you study here?
_The poesy, I would like to become a poet latter to travel in the world
_Oh it is one beautiful dream, I am here for study the economies
_Ah indeed one future businesswoman, comes I am going to take you to the office of the prinpal, we can speak on the road
_thanks You

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 oct. 2011
J _Hello, excuse me, can you help me please?
I _Sure what can I do for you? I don't have the time for new students.
_Okay... fine I just wanted to know where the office of the head teacher is.
_You just have to follow the signs. It's not that hard!
_Oh thank you this is so kind of you
_Sorry I am not really in a good mood
Have you just arrive?
_Yes I am new, and I am lost it is really big here
_It is but do not worry after a few days, you will get used to it.
_I hope so
What are you studying here?
_Poetry I would like to become a poet in the near future to be able to travel in the world
_Oh it is a beautiful dream, I am here to study Economics
_Ah indeed a future businesswoman! come with me I am going to take you to the office of the prinpal, we can talk on the road
_That's a good idea thanks You
Posté le 29 oct. 2011
_That's a good idea! thank You !
Posté le 29 oct. 2011
oh merci beaucoups je vais reprendre tous ça :)

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