aide en anglais ,urgent svp..

Publié le 27 avr. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 mai 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour,voila on m'a appris aujourd'huit que j'avais un dm en anglais à faire pour demain ce qui me laisse pas beaucoup de temps lool
Voila je l'ai fait mais pour deux trois réponses je suis vraiment pas sûr pour mon orthographe donc j'aimerai juste un peu d'aide pour cela voila
Merci d'avance je sais que je juste...

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The publicitée affects more the children than the adults because adults is more aware(conscious) and more mature than a 10-year-old child.
That is that they know how to stand back. They know judged if the advertising is true or not.
While one children is more naîf and less aware.
He(It) is going to take the publicitée in the direct sense. The children are more vulnerable, it is thus the target completed for the commercial.

This sentence means that nowadays, the children are everywhere in touch with the advertising(publicity).
That is that in any place, where they go(surrender) there is of the ad(advertising)!
For example on highways there is enormous advertising hoardings, either still in stores there is of the ad(advertising) in every beam(shelf).

I am neither for nor against!
Against, because would be a kind of censorship, and this censorship would make fall sales and thus economy of the state.
What is not good for nobody!
Yes because, there is too much pub, one do not can make any more a step without having an ad in front of us!
Now the children are not rather ripe to understand the real sense of these pub(ad,advertising)
Thus I think that there would be certain law for réduire(je ne sais comment on le dit) pubs or forbid certain advertising.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 avr. 2011
commercials have more impact on children than adults because adults are more aware and more mature than a 10-year-old child.
Beside this, they know how to take some distance. They can tell if the advertising is true or not.While children are more innocent and less aware.
they is will take the commercials more seriously. children are more vulnerable, they are the ideal target for ardvertisers.
It means that nowadays, children live with advertising.
Everywhere they go, there will be an advertising.
For example on highways you can see commercial ads while driving your car, even in any store, you can see ads or special offers in every section.

I am neither for nor against!
I am against this, because it would be a kind of censorship, and this censorship would make the sales fall and would then hurt the economy of the state which is not good for anybody.
I am for this because, there are too many commercials. One cannot make a step anymore without having an ad in front of us!
Now the children are not mature enough to understand the real meaning of these commercials.Thus I think that there would be certain law to decrease the number of commercials or to forbid some of them.

Posté le 27 avr. 2011
Comment te remercier ? cela va faire deux fois que tu m'aide :) merci beaucoup!!!!
Posté le 27 avr. 2011
de rien ! a+
Posté le 1 mai 2011
Publicité se dit "advertisement"
Réduire se dit "reduce"

Tu dis "That is that they know", si tu veux dire "C'est pourquoi ils savent", préfére la formule "That is why".

Voilà, je ne vois pas ce que je peux faire de plus ^^

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