Anglais - Biological parents

Publié le 23 févr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 26 févr. 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir



Voici un devoir que j'ai du mal à réaliser. Il s'agit d'une compréhension orale.

Voici les questions et leurs réponses. Pourriez-vous me corriger ? Voici le lien pour écouter :


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


Number of speakers

Total 2 Male 1 Female 1

Where does the scene probably takes place ?

The scene takes place by the phone. A young man call a woman. He thinks that it’s about his biological mother.

Details about each speakers family. (Indicate jobs where mentioned)

Speaker 1 : He was abandoned by his mother at birth. He was adopted, but his adoptive parents died in an accident. He has two brothers.

Speaker 2 : She is not married. She has a daughter, who work at the Town Hall.

Details about each speaker’s job

He’s a computer programmer.

She’s in an operator in factory.



a. What is Speaker 2 looking for?

Le Speaker 2 cherche ses parents biologiques.

Speaker 2 looking her biological parents.


b. Does Speaker 2 find what he’s looking for? Why / why not?

Il a cherché et a trouvé sa mère biologique. Mais elle ne veut pas lui parler de son père.

He sought and found his biological mother. But she doesn't want to talk to him about his father.


c. How does Speaker 2 prove what he’s looking for?



d. Why does Speaker 1 say ‘I can’t be your mother, can I?’?

Parce que son fils, le Speaker 2 est noir, et qu’elle ne se souvient pas avoir couché avec un homme noir.

Because his son, Speaker 2 is black, and she remembers pas have slept with a black man.


e. What does Speaker 1 say she should remember?

Elle est très confuse, et ne s’attendait pas à ce qu’il l’appelle. Elle est honteuse de l’avoir abandonnée, mais elle dit qu’elle n’avait pas d’autre choix.

She is very confused, and did not expect what he calls it. It is shameful to have abandoned her, but she said she had no other choice.


f. In fact, does she remember? (Justify your answer.)

Non, apparemment elle ne savait même pas que son fils était noir ! Mais elle s’en veut beaucoup.

No, apparently it did not even know that his son was black! But she wants it much.


g. What does Speaker 1 refuse to tell Speaker 2? (She says ‘I can’t tell you that’.)

Elle ne veut pas lui parler de son père, bien qu’il insiste. Elle dit que c’est mieux pour lui qu’il ne le connaisse pas.

She won't talk to him from his father, although he insists. She said that it is better for him that he knows not.


h. What is the most important difference between Speaker 2 and the other children in his


Le Speaker 2 fut adopté par ses parents non-biologiques. Alors que ces deux frères n’ont pas été adoptés.

Speaker 2 was adopted by its biological parents. While these two brothers have not been adopted.


3. Citer des éléments du dialogue pour justifier les réponses


a. Speaker 1 regrets not being present for Speaker 2. --> True



b. Speaker 1 is surprised Speaker 2 is single. --> false



c. Speaker 1 likes her job. --> False

“It’s money”


d. Speaker 1 thinks Speaker 2 has made a success of life. --> True

“I bet your parents for proud of you… […] Yes of course… I’m proud to you”


Merci d'avance !



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