Anglais, correction texte

Publié le 27 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

je devait crée un texte, en utilisant 8 points de grammaire !
- le present
- le present be+ing
- la voix passive
- la proposition infinitive
- les if sentences
- le preterit
- le present perfect
- le futur
Pouvez regarder qi j'ai utiliser corretement les 8 points, et si j'a fait des fautes d'orthographes ou vovabulaires. Merci !

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Today I go to sleep at 10 pm as every night .
Suddenly I met in full battlefield., I saw around me thousands of soldiers. They are fighting in front of my eyes. The war has started for a long time. Many Corpses were scattered on the ground.
I was in front of a terrifying show.
I shouted :
- I need someone to help me
A duel took place in front of me enter the captain and the soldier. But the soldier was killed by his enemy. I understood that if I does not fight , I will die in the fight .
Suddenly my eyes oppened, it was only a dream.
One thing is certain I'll be sleeping on the sofa tonight...!

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 oct. 2011
Tonight as every night I went to bed at 10pm
Suddenly I was in the middle of a battlefield.I saw thousands of soldiers around me.They were fighting in front of my eyes.The war /the battle( ?) had started long before.
Many corpses scattered the ground.
It was a terrifying sight.
A duel took place in front of me between the captain and a soldier.But the soldier was killed.I understood that if I didn't fight I would die.

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