bonjour, j'ai des questions sur le texte suivant :

Publié le 20 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 27 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

what you should know about Erasmus

more than a million students have studied in another European country thanks to funding from erasmus. The world's largest programme of its kind, erasmus arranges student exchanges between 2.000 institutions in 31 European countries and the latest figures indicate that the number of Erasmus students increases by more than 9% in the year 2003-2004. So long as you are an EU national enrolled at a university, you can apply to study between three months and a full academic year in any of the 31 participating European countries. During your period of study in the partner university you'll need to pay for your accommodation, general living costs and entertainment. Erasmus students are entitled to receive a grant from the European Commision (usually around 1.500 livres for a full year study period) which contributes towards the extra costs arising from studying abroad. Lack of knowledge of a foreign language might put you off, but it shouldn't. Most universities offer language classes for beginners, and living in another country is the best way to learn a new language.

Employers will want you

There are few, if any, industries that don't have an international dimension and by studying abroad you can show potential employers that you have gained skills and understanding relevant to their international markets.
The guardian, june 18, 2005.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

voici mes questions que je dois faire , : (que je dois répondre):
2)would you like to be part of an erasmus exhange programme? why (not)? if you would, which country would you like to go to and why?

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 oct. 2011
On te demande de répondre à la problèmatique suivante :
Voudrais-tu faire partie d'un programme d'échanges érasmus ? Pourquoi ? Pourquoi non ? si oui, quel est le pays que tu choisirais et pourquoi ?

Donc, réponds déjà à cette question après on t'aidera à le composer en anglais...

Tu peux dire l'Amérique pour améliorer ton anglais...
Posté le 21 oct. 2011
merci pour le début.
alors voila mes reponses:
oui j'aimerais participer à un programme d'échange érasmus.
pour pouvoir découvrir un pays,échanger,dialoguer,découvrir une nouvel cultur.
je choisirais l'Australie pour la langue m'améliore en anglais
le climat...
j'ai pu tros d'idée en sachant que je dois faire entre 150 à 200 mot pour se devoir
Posté le 21 oct. 2011
Bon voilà un exemple :

I would definitely like to be part of an Erasmus exchange programme for many reasons. First of all, I would opt for Australia because this country is very beautiful and the weather is very nice. Beside this, it would be a good opportunity to make progress in English and to have then a very good command of this language.. I would also make friends with local people and I would discover their lifestyle. I would study in an Australian University and I would therefore learn other work methods. So it would be a very interesting experience for me.

Moreover, having an experience abroad would be an asset for my future career. Employers are very interested in hiring job applicants with an experience overseas because they think they can easily adjust to an international environment. They know how to deal with foreign people and can anticipate their reactions. So this is a very good thing for business.

Therefore, if I had the opportunity to take part in an Erasmus exchange programme, I would not hesitate to leave France and my family for a year or so because I know that this stay would have many benefits.

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