Compréhention d'un texte.

Publié le 17 nov. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

One hour later, inside the cedar tree, she brought this matter up with Ishmael. “We’ve known each other
for ever,” she said. “I can hardly remember not knowing you. It’s hard to remember the days before you. I
don’t even know if there were any.”
“My memory is like that, too,” said Ishmael. “Do you remember that glass box I had? The one we took
into the water?”
“Of course,“ she said. “I remember it.”
“That must have been ten years ago,” said Ishmael. “Hanging onto that box. Being out there in the ocean
– that’s what I remembered.”
“That’s what I want to talk about,” said Hatsue. “A box in the ocean – what kind of a start is that? What,
really, did we have in common? We didn’t even know each other.”
Texte : The Simplest Kind of love
© Cned – Académie en ligne
Séquence 4-AN01 133
“We knew each other. We’ve always known each other. We’ve never been strangers the way most people
are when they meet and start going out.”
“That’s another thing,” said Hatsue. “We don’t go out – that isn’t the right word – we can’t go out, Ishmael.
We’re trapped inside this tree.”
“We are going to *graduate in three months,” answered Ishmael. “I think we should move to Seattle after
that. It’ll be different in Seattle – you’ll see.”
“They’re arresting people like me there, too, just like here, Ishmael. A white and a Japanese – I don’t care if
it’s Seattle – we couldn’t just go walking down the street together. Not after Pearl Harbor. You know that.
Besides, you’re going to be *drafted in June. That’s the way it’s going to be. You won’t be moving to Seattle,
either. Let’s be honest with ourselves.”
“Then what will we do? You tell me. What’s the answer, Hatsue?”
“There isn’t one,” she said. “I don’t know Ishmael. There isn’t anything we can do.”
“We just have to be patient,” Ishmael replied. “This war won’t go on for ever.”
They sat in silence inside their tree, Ishmael *propped up against one *elbow, Hatsue with her head perched
against his *ribs and her legs up against the glossy wood.” It’s nice in here,” said Hatsue. “It’s always nice
in this place.”
“I love you,” answered Ishmael. “I’ll always love you. I don’t care what else happens. I’m always going to
love you.”
“I know you do,” said Hatsue. “But I’m trying to be realistic about this. It isn’t that simple, is what I am
saying. There are all these other things.”
“They don’t really matter,” said Ishmael; “None of those other things make a difference. Love is the strongest
thing in the world, you know. Nothing can touch it. Nothing comes close. If we love each other we’re safe
from it all. Love is the biggest thing there is.”
He spoke with such confidence and drama about it that Hatsue allowed herself to be convinced by him that
nothing was greater than love.

1) Tick the correct answers and justifly by quoting from the texte. The story takes place:
a)Before World War II
During World War II
After World War II
b)Before the summer
In the summer
After the summer
2) Tock the correct answer and justifly by quating three sentence from the text; Ishmael and Hastue have:
Recently met
Known each other for a long time
3)pick out one sentence showing that Ishmeal and Hatsue are still students
4) In the sentence " they're arresting people like me there; too juste like here Ishmeal" who or what do the underlined element refer to?
b)People like me:................

5) Why can't Hatsue and Ishmeal love each other? use the historical context(a) and one quoatation from the text (b) to answer.

6) tick the correct answer and justifly by quoting from the text.
a) Hatsue ou Ishmael Wants to move to Seattle.
b) Hatsue ou Ishmael is awaee that they should never be seen together
c) Ishmael, ill join the army very soon ou will go to Seattle very soon.
d) Hatsue ou Ishmael knows that they won't be able to move to Seattle

Je vous remerci d'avance. Marine

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 nov. 2011
1)a) After World War II
we couldn’t just go walking down the street together. Not after Pearl Harbor
b) Before the summer
Besides, you’re going to be *drafted in June

c) Known each other for a long time
“That must have been ten years ago

3)We are going to *graduate in three months,” answered Ishmael.

4) Police ?
b) people like me (Japanese)
c) There : in Seatle
d) here : in the cedar tree

5) They can' t love each other because Ishmael is White and American, Hatsue is Japanese and Asian. There is a war between America and Japan and interracial couples (Japanese and White) are not accepted. Besides, the scene takes place just after Pearl Harbor.
"They’re arresting people like me there, too, just like here, Ishmael. A white and a Japanese – I don’t care if
it’s Seattle – we couldn’t just go walking down the street together. Not after Pearl Harbor. You know that."

Pour la dernière ce n'est pas clair car tu mets ou
Ishmael veut aller à Seatle mais pas Hiatsue
Est-ce qu'il faut rayer ce qui est faux

a) raye Hiatsue
I think we should move to Seattle after
b) raye Ishmael
we can’t go out, Ishmael
c) raye will go to Seatle very soon
Besides, you’re going to be *drafted in June.
d) raye Ishmael
You won’t be moving to Seattle,

Posté le 18 nov. 2011
correction pour la 1
il faut mettre during world war 2. Pearl Harbor est en 1942

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