Correction de fautes et tournure de phrases d'un texte

Publié le 1 mai 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 mai 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, est ce que ça serait possible de corriger ce texte d'anglais (fautes et tournures de phrase car les phrases ne sont pas correctement construite, il y a beaucoup de repetitions)?


Merci d'avance

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Today, people, all generations, give too much importance to physical appearance. When a woman or a man are not the same physical appearance that other people, they are not good accept in society. But the behaviour, the personality are not important. For example, when we go for to have a job, our physical appearance is very important. To have good clothes is the one of things important. Actually, in society, the first jugement, when we weet people, is the must important. A person can have looks different of we, but she can has the same personality and she can a great people even if she looks strange! When we meet new people, we don't just look her this appearance but to speak, to discover the personality of this person. In the society, we can see diffezrent groups with different physical appearance. For example, people with baggy pants and dreadlocks and people who wear black clothes everytime "gothick". Thus, a person can have a good phydical appearance bu have a bad personality.


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