devoir anglais

Publié le 6 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, j'ai un texte a rediger en anglais, je l'ai fait mais je ne suis pas sure de la synthaxe/grammaire..

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I think the first thematic on Charlie chaplin was rathed interresting. Charlie Chaplin is untemporal, his look and his attitude is very funny. Some movie of him deliver a message more serious but also humoristic. His performance in "The dictator" is impressive but my favourite film of his actor is "Modern times" who denounced the industrial society. But the burlesque in general is not my favourite kind of genre, the other modern character of burlesque like Mister bean or jim carrey are caricatural and useless. Some devices to have been etudied like "mise en abyme" is fascinating : a clip of the White Stripes (band of music which i like) "seven nation army" used this and film which i like to take place in the sixties when people used illegal substance too (like Las vegas parano for example) .

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