devoir en anglais

Publié le 11 oct. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 17 oct. 2016 dans 7A
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Sujet du devoir

Devoir d'anglais : besoin d'aide

Voici le sujet, écrit en anglais :

Some people feel that graffiti or ‘street art’ is a valid form of artistic expression. They believe that ‘street art’ merits the same respect as traditional forms of art such as sculpture, canvas painting, or drawing. On the other hand, others feel that graffiti or ‘street art’ is a form of vandalism and defaces a community. They feel that those who paint graffiti should be arrested and forced to pay for the damage. What is your personal view on ‘street art’?

Express your opinion in an essay of 250-350 words. Use your own personal knowledge and experiences to justify your response with specific details and examples.

En gros, je dois donner mon opinion sur les graffitis, l'art de rue...

 Après avoir analysé la question et a décidé sur votre position. Écrivez votre réponse dans les 250-350 mots.

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