dm anglais article de journal

Publié le 30 oct. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 nov. 2015 dans 8A
17.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Je dois écrire un article de journal dans lequel New York a été dévasté par un raz de marré et que spiderman a sauvé le journaliste qui écrit l'article et d'autres personnes. Je dois pour cela utiliser les temps du passé, décrire l'aspect héroïque de spiderman et faire la description de l'événement en utilisant la première personne du singulier.

J'ai vraiment besoin de votre aide, merci d'avance.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

voici ce que j'ai fait:

The amazing Spider-Man

New York City is back to normal after being flooded by a tidal wave a week ago. But people are still terrorized and they lose everything because of this earthquake which created this gigantic tidal wave.

I'm a journalist and i watched it happen. It all started on thursday, October 22nd, I was in my office , everything looked fine. As usual I was writing a newspaper for the New York Timeswhen all of sudden the ground began trembling, walls to crack.An immense wave appeared and surged on New York City. I heard terrible noises, the lights went out, the power wzs out. I found submerged and trapped in building, all the world was panic-stricken. I saw that water arrived at least until the twenty-fifth stage. Peoples drowned, full of objects floated in water. But suddently, the water began to infiltrate, i was yelling when i saw my rescuer, the super-hero Spider-Man. He broke the glass with his hands and He took me in the arms. I couldn't believe my eyes! Spider-Man saved many Newyorker. It was truly amazing, i flew from an impressive speed in his arms above building flodded by the water to a dry place. I was just unbielievable, this super hero is extraordinary. he fought aquaman who had created this enormous earthquake and he helped to reconstruct the city.

Thank you Spider-Man, you are our savior and we really admire you for you bravery.

published October, 29th 2015 by New York Times

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 oct. 2015

The amazing Spider-Man

New York City is back to normal after being flooded by a tidal wave a week ago. But people are still terrorized and they lose everything because of this earthquake which created this gigantic tidal wave.

I'm a journalist and i saw what happened. It all started on thursday, October 22nd, I was in my office , everything seems fine. As usual I was writing a newspaper for the New York Times when suddenly the ground began trembling, walls were crackling.An immense wave appeared and surged on New York City. I heard terrible noises, the lights went out, the power wzs out. I found submerged and trapped in building, all the world was panic-stricken. I saw that water arrived at least until the twenty-fifth stage. Peoples drowned, all the things were floating on water. But suddently, the water began to infiltrate, i was yelling when i saw my rescuer, the super-hero Spider-Man. He broke the glass with his hands and He took me in the arms. I couldn't believe my eyes! Spider-Man saved many people. It was truly amazing, i flew from an impressive speed in his arms above building flodded by the water to a dry place. I was just unbielievable, this super hero is extraordinary. he fought aquaman who had created this enormous earthquake and he helped to reconstruct the city.

Posté le 30 oct. 2015

Merci beaucoup

Posté le 30 oct. 2015

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