Envoyer un e-mail en anglais

Publié le 28 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir


Ma prof d'anglais nous a donné comme devoir :

Envoyer un e-mail racontant ce que l'on a fait le jour de Halloween.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je n'ai aucune idée de ce que je pourrais rédiger , surtout que je ne fête jamais Halloween , alors si quelqu'un pouvait me raconter ce qu'il a fait à Halloween l'année dernière ce serait bien, je n'aurais plus qu'a rédiger tout ça en anglais ! :)

Merci d'avance.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 28 oct. 2011

Moi je ne le célèbre pas mais je suis allée aux USA beaucoup de fois et j'ai donc vu comment ils le célébraient et d'ailleurs c'est ce que ma famille fait là bas. Donc voilà un exemple

Dear Nickie,

How are you? I am fine.
I hope you had a nice halloween party. I celebrated Halloween with my friends. It was great. Firt of all, all the houses in my neighborhood were decorated for Halloween. There were Jack'o lantern, skelettons, pumpkins everywhere. It was so cool!
I invited my friends to come to my house to prepare for Halloween. So they were all dressed very funny. Steven was dressed in a black outfit and was wearing a black scream mask. I thought we were in the movie! So scary! My sister pretended to be Harry Potter. She even had the same glasses!!!
Then we did "Trick or Treaters". We went from door to door and collect candies, apples and other goodies.
At midnight we passed the local cemetery but noone dare to enter into it. We were too scared to see spirits... At 1 am we went back home and had a nice party. We heard all kind of music and we ended up watching a thriller movie... So the spirit was there!
At the end, we all went to bed and promised to do it again next year. On this occasion, I would be glad to invite you for a French Halloween party in my neighborhood!
I am looking forward to hearing from you! Tell me more about your halloween party!

Write back soon


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