Expression écrite en anglais

Publié le 23 avr. 2020 il y a 4A par danna.mazzarella1993 - Fin › 26 avr. 2020 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous , 

je poste ici car je suis à total panne d'inspiration pour mon expression écrite ou le sujet est celui ci : it’s 2084, you live in a new world, without books / colours / spices / … write a diary entry to tell about that world.

Je dois écrire 120 mots minimum il me semble , je vou sposte en bas mon avancement puis si quelqu'un aurait des suggestions ou autre je suis preneuse cela m'aiderai beaucoup étant bloquée ! Je vous remercie d'avance 


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

   Ce que j'ai commencée à écrire :


Dear diary,

It is 9 June 2084, today, I feel very anxious, I am alone at home because my boyfriend is gone for to running. So, I decided to take a pen and drawing for to past time , I was looking behind the windows to find some inspiration but all I see was a rude word , and suddenly I feel so scared , because when I was young , it was different , there was life , open minded , it was less anxious , now , I just can see empty landscape with no one who walk around , everybody is at home because we feel bad when you go on from our house . Outside it’s cold , the children have a lot of difficulty to study without any books or without internet , they have a very strict education , and I think it’s not the best things for their future .

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 24 avr. 2020

Je suis pas non plus une pro en anglais mais je pense que au lieu de "So, I decided to take a pen and drawing for to past time", tu pourrais mettre "So, I decided to take a pen and drawing to past the time" et "I was looking out the windows" au lieu de " I was looking behind the windows". Après tu pourrais aussi mettre "but all I've seen was a rude word , and suddenly I felt so scared" à la place de "but all I see was a rude word , and suddenly I feel so scared" et "because when I was young , it was different , there was life , an open minded , it was less anxious , now , I just can see an empty landscape with no one who walk around , everybody is at home because we feel bad when go out from our house" au lieu de "because when I was young , it was different , there was life , open minded , it was less anxious , now , I just can see empty landscape with no one who walk around , everybody is at home because we feel bad when you go on from our house". 

Ensuite il faut juste que tu mettes "things" au singulier. 

C'est, je pense un exellent début mais je n'ai pas comprisle rapport avec "rude word". 

Pour finir tu pourrais dire que ce nouveau monde est monochrome et ne donne pas envie de vivre, un monde sans couleur est en effet très ennuyeux car il est plus difficile de dire que quelquechose est unique. 

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