I'd like de live abroad for a while... (Rédaction)

Publié le 28 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois faire une rédaction en Anglais en disant que j'aimerais prend une année sabbatique (gap year). Il faut peser les arguments pour et contre.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voila donc j'ai déjà effectué une grande partie du travail, j'aimerais juste que quelqu'un me relise et me corrige les fautes ou alors les mauvaises expressions..

I’d like to go abroad for a while to take a gap year! Indeed, I am currently trying to convince my parents, but it is hard convincing them when I myself am not sure to have enough courage to leave my world for a complete year... In fact, I am scared of being lonely when I will get there. My friends, not to mention my family, will miss me terribly! They already do miss me when I do not see them for a month, so be separated from them for a whole year is almost unimaginable! One year is very long. Even if we can keep in touch thanks to social networks like Facebook, it is not the same, and what if we lose contact? I wonder what my social life will be like there; will I find new friends? Will language be a serious problem for communication? Social integration is not easy, and it scares me! I am also afraid I will not be able to cross the culture gap, they do have other customs compared to ours, another way of cooking, etc... I fear I will be homesick!
However, I am sure it will be a very rewarding experience and I know I will regret it if I do not take this huge opportunity, it is now or never! You only live once. A gap year bursting with travel, adventure, exploration and self-discovery can be a life-changing and intensely memorable experience! This experience of unfamiliar cultures offers profound lessons, especially for curious and motivated young people like I am. For students who grew up in a structured environment, gap years offer valuable personal freedom. Young people are able to figure out who they are and what inspires them. So I will gain in maturity during the gap year!... Moreover, I could improve my english, a foreign language is an invaluable skill for young people in today’s world and living, working and traveling overseas is the best way to learn a foreign language! If I take this opportunity, I could sightseeing and seen some beautiful places I could never seen again! About my social life, I will maybe meet the best person I’ve ever met, maybe I will be on friendly terms with those people!
Despite my misgivings, I think I will take all the same this gap year foremost because I’m an adventurous person, and secondly because I want to break out of my rut ; What is life if you do not take some risks?

Merci d'avance! :)

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 oct. 2011
I’d definitely like to go abroad for a while to take a gap year! Indeed, I am currently trying to convince my parents, but it is hard convincing them when I am myself not sure to have enough courage to leave my world for a complete year... In fact, I am scared of being lonely when I get there. I will miss my friends, not to mention my family, terribly! I already miss them when I do not see them for a month, so be separated from them for a whole year is almost unimaginable! One year is very long. Even if we can keep in touch thanks to social networks like Facebook, it is not the same, and what if we lose contact? I wonder what my social life will be like there; will I find new friends? Will language be a serious problem for communication? Social integration is not easy, and it scares me! I am also afraid I will not be able to cross the culture gap, they do have other customs compared to ours, another way of cooking, etc... I fear I will be homesick!
However, I am sure it will be a very rewarding experience and I know I will regret it if I do not take this huge opportunity, it is now or never! You only live once. A gap year bursting with travel, adventure, exploration and self-discovery can be a life-changing and intensely memorable experience! This experience of unfamiliar cultures gives lessons, especially for curious and motivated young people like I am. For students who grew up in a structured environment, gap years offer valuable personal freedom. Young people are able to figure out who they are and what inspires them. So I will gain in maturity during the gap year!... Moreover, I could improve my english, a foreign language is an invaluable skill for young people in today’s world and living, working and traveling overseas is the best way to learn a foreign language! If I take this opportunity, I could do some sightseeing and visit some beautiful places I could never see again! About my social life, I will maybe meet the best person I’ve ever met, maybe I will be on friendly terms with those people!
Despite my hesitations, I think I will definitely take this gap year firstly because I’m an adventurous person, and secondly because I want to break out of my rut ; What is life if you do not take some risks?

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