La voix passive et active

Publié le 11 janv. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 janv. 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour je n'arrive pas à faire cet exercice, vous pouvez m'aider?

Mets les phrases a la voie passive ou a la voie active selon le cas
-Someone broke into our house last night
-The police are looking for the missing paintings
-Somebody Will deliver that package before nine o'clock
-Nobody noticed his mistake
-You must make a decision
-We will clean your swimming pool this weekend
-They must have been beaten by their rivals
-Someone should have told him that the meeting was at 10 pm

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

j'ai juste trouvé pour -Nobody noticed his mistake : his mistake was noticed by nobody


le reste, j'ai besoin d'aide :) merci

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 11 janv. 2015

Tu prends le COD et tu le transforme en sujet

ex: This package will be delivered by someone before nine o'clock.

Posté le 11 janv. 2015

The missing paintings are looked by the police.

That package will be delivered by somebody before nine o'clock.

A decision must be made by you.

Your swimming pool will be cleaned by us this weekend.

Their rivals have beaten them.

He should have been told that the meeting was at 10pm.

Le premier j'arrive pas ...

Posté le 13 janv. 2015

Je pense que le premier est :

Our house was broken by someone last night

Ils ont besoin d'aide !

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