@Miren75 pour une correction

Publié le 4 mars 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 11 mars 2012 dans 12A
12.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Il s'agit d'un article de journal : il y a eu un raz-de-marée et un journaliste est survivant. Il écrit donc un article et explique comment Spiderman l'a sauvé.

Pour faire ce travail, nous avions des conseils de la prof :
- le temps du passé pour décrire ce qui s'est passé - le temps du présent pour exprimer les conséquences et les sentiments.
- Mettre un titre à l'article - Rappelez-vous que le journalites qui écrit l'article a aussi été victime. Certains passes, tels que la description de la scène serait écrit dans le récit de la 1er personne.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir


Monday, March 5th, 2012

The New York life has found again (retrouvé) its tranquillity after the tidal wave that came to destroy the whole city (la ville entière) there are one week. The peophe are still in shock and are terrorized by the idea that such (qu’une telle) a catastrohpe arise (survienne) again.
I introduce myself, my name is XXX TTT and I’m a journalist at the Herald. I’m a survivor of the disaster. I retourn to the event of this days of Fridat, February 28 th when everything starting off well (tout avait bien commencé). It’s eight o’colck and New York wakes up. New Yorkers are busy going to work, the streets come alive (s’animent). I am already in office for writing newpaper artcles when suddently I heard a loud noise ressembling thunder. Very quickly, everything is dark in the room and the wall shaking and I do not even have time (je n’ai pas le temps de réagir) and I see a huge wawe that rises and then people flying through the air and furniture too. I’m trappel (je suis piégé) and I’m scared but I keep one’s head (je garde mon sang froid). The walls crack (se fissurent), I cry when I see a man hanging on the skryscrapers over 200 mets above the ground that no effort climbing (escaladant) like a spider. He breaks the glass with his hands and at that time (à ce moment), I throw headlong into this arms of this hero who is Spiderman. I couln’t believe my eyes (je n’en crois pas mes yeux), il was just unbelievable ! The time stopped and I had the impression to live on a another planet.Once on the ground, I realized that I could have died. It’s was an apocalyptic spectacle : the trees uprooded (déracinés), the wounded. The police counted the victims. Everyone tied to reassure themselves by uttering a kind words. But the consequence were very serious. This tidal wave was note announced by the meteorologists. It was just a revenge of the enemy of Spiderman : Aquaman who wants to show his talents as a master of the world and destroy the city.
Apparently, he cannot fight against our hero.
Thank you Mister Spiderman, you are our savior and it was truly amazing

J'espère que vous prendre le temps de lire mon devoir. Ce DM est coefficienté 3 et je ne voudrai pas que ma moyenne baisse car elle est de 14,10.

Merci merci et encore merci

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 mars 2012
Je m'en occupe. Je te poste ce soir les corrections.
Posté le 5 mars 2012
Merci beaucoup. A ce soir donc.
Posté le 6 mars 2012
Monday, March 5th, 2012

New York City is back to normal after being destroyed by a tidal wave a week ago.. People are still in shock and are terrorized by the idea that such a disaster could happen again.
Let me introduce myself, my name is XXX TTT and I’m a journalist at the Herald Tribune. I’m a survivor of this disaster. Let’s get back to this terrible day, on February 28 th. Everything looked fine that day, it was eight o’clock in the morning and New York City woke up. New Yorkers were busy going to work and the streets came to life. I was already in my office writing newspaper articles when suddenly I heard a rumbling noise… It’s sounded like a thunderstorm.. Soon the room got dark and the wall was shaking … I did not even have time to react. I saw a huge wave coming and rising. People and furniture were flying in the air.. I was trapped and scared. Nevertheless I kept my composure. The walls were cracking…. I cried when I saw a man hanging on the skyscrapers 200 meters above the ground and climbing like a spider. He broke the glass with his hands and at that time I threw into my hero’s arms: Spiderman. I couldn’t believe it! It was just unbelievable! Time stopped andI felt like I was on another planet. Once on the ground, I realized that I could have died. It’s was an apocalyptic scene: trees were uprooted, people were severely injured,. The police were counting the victims of the tidal wave.. Everyone tried to reassure themselves by uttering kind words. But consequences were very serious. This tidal wave could not be forecast by meteorologists. It was just a revenge of Spiderman’s enemy: Aquaman who wanted to show his talents as a master of the world and destroy the city.
Apparently, he cannot fight against our hero.
Thank you Mr. Spiderman, you are our savior and you are truly amazing!
Posté le 6 mars 2012
pardon c'est it sounded pas it's sounded
Posté le 6 mars 2012
Merci beaucoup miren75.... Je suis super contente...

merci merci merci et encore merci...tu es ma sauveuse...

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