Oral d'anglais DM

Publié le 11 oct. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 oct. 2015 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

j'ai un oral d'anglais sur un pays où j'aimerais vivre plus tard, mes peurs, les raisons pour lesquelles j'ai choisis ce pays et mes attentes: j'ai choisis l’Angleterre plus precisement Londres 

J'ai finis mon texte mais j'aimerais enormement le faire corriger parce que je n'arrive pas a voir mes fautes de conjugaison et grammaire mais pas orthographe parce que c'est un oral et ma prof dit qu'elle aimerait un vocabulaire soutenu 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Hi everyone today i will talk about a country that i really really want to live in for years. It's United kingdom and more specifically London or maybe around London. Firstly, this city attracts more than 28 million tourists a year, making it second only to Paris in terms of visitor popularity. Most people go their because of their studies, their holidays, their careers and so on...
For my part, i really want to go to london for my future, my studies. In fact, i plan to study here in france and at the same time to be part of a international programm which is Erasmus: i don't know if many of you know this programm but if you don't: The Erasmus programme is one of the most popular educational programmes operating within the European Union. So i will study during 1 year in london and come back to take (i hope) my diploma in france. And after that i will go again to london find a job,a appartement... live a british life.
So many people ask me constantly why the uk, why london just stay in france, what's wrong with this country? First of all, anything it's wrong with france, it's beautiful country with amazing people in it. But i can't hide the fact that i'm madly in love with uk. It's true i never went there but i know and met so many people who discoverd this country before i do. i watched so many documentaries, read some books about it. London is a city that is very close to france so if i'm in trouble, or there is a problem with my family, i can go back to france just in 2 hours. The architecture,the beauty,the dynamic of the country: Most of the museums are completly free(for example the well-know british museum) . Also the British mentality with their openness. They really don't judge people by their looks, they're more interesting about your qualities,for who you really are. There is less discrimination, less contradiction. About the culture we can ,in fact, find a real melting-pot: Indeed, british's food is not know to be the best food ever, however there is so many differents cultures so therefore we can find food that comes from all the four corners of the earth.You can Taste delicious dishes from East Africa to South India just in few minutes. this is very a multi-cultural city.
Before taking my first train to London, I really imagined what my new life would be like. I expected to enter a world where I sipped tea with Steak & Kidney Pie in the sunup living room of my Victorian flat in North London, where I would have a beautiful sight from the London eye , travel to parts unknown on a whim, and where I would go wherever I pleased by effortlessly hopping on the Tube.
So yeah i completly fall in love with this country,culture and people I really have a positive mind about London with a lot reasons about why i want to go there and also a lot of expectations. But it's true that i have many fears, i'm not going to hide this.
The first fear that came to my mind is that i only discover london via tv,internet,books and some people ,that's it, i don't really saw all i said with my own spiritual eyes, so yeah i'm scared to be disappointed, and that my dream about london was during so many years unnecessary. That's actually my first and biggest fear.
A friend of mine went to london this summer or last year, i can't remember but she told me that this is actually the most expensive city in Europe, so i'm scared to be unprepared financially. To not be able to handle the difference of life between Paris and London.
I'm scared that everything is perfect and that one of thoses fears destroy my dreams and that i have to return to france and restart everything. But despite all of those fears, I am still full of excitement about thinking of a british life.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 11 oct. 2015


Posté le 11 oct. 2015

bien joue

Posté le 13 oct. 2015


tu trouveras ci-dessous les corrections mises en gras que j'ai faites sur ton textes. e sont principalement des corrections sur les temps et aussi sur la fluidité de ton texte et ta façon de t'exprimer. Mais rien de bien inquiétant. J'espère t'avoir aider en tout cas. Bon courage!


Hi everyone today i will talk about a country that i have really wanted to live in for years. It's the United kingdom and more specifically the city of London or maybe somewhere around London. Firstly, this city attracts more than 28 million tourists a year, making it second only to Paris in terms of visitor popularity. Most people go their because of their studies, their holidays, their careers and so on...
Personally, i really want to go to london for my future and my studies. In fact, i have planned to study here in france and at the same time to be part of an international programm which is Erasmus: i don't know if many of you know this programm but if you don't: The Erasmus programme is one of the most popular educational programmes operating within the European Union. So i will study during 1 year in london and come back to pass (i hope) my diploma in france. And after that i will go back to london to find a job,an appartement and so live the british life.
So many people ask me constantly why the uk, why london just stay in france, what's wrong with this country? First of all, nothing is wrong with france, it's a beautiful country with amazing people. But i can't hide the fact that i'm madly in love with the uk. It's true i never went there but i know and met so many people who have discovered this country before i do. i watched so many documentaries and read some books about it. London is a city that is very close to france so if i'm in trouble, or there is a problem with my family, i can go back to france just in 2 hours. I also love the architecture,the beauty and the dynamic of the country: Most of the museums are completly free(for example the well-know british museum) . Also the British mentality with their open-mindness. They really don't judge people by their looks, they're more interestedby your qualities,for who you really are. There is less discrimination, less contradiction. About the culture we can ,in fact, find a real melting-pot: Indeed, british's food is not know to be the best food ever, however there are so many differents cultures so therefore we can find food that comes from all the four corners of the earth.You can Taste delicious dishes from East Africa to South India just in few minutes. this is very a multi-cultural city.
Before taking my first train to London, I can easily imagined what my new life would be like. I expect to enter a world where I sip tea with Steak & Kidney Pie in the sunup living room of my Victorian flat in North London, where I would have a beautiful sight of London  , travel to unknown places on a whim, and where I would go wherever I wish by effortlessly hopping on the Tube.
So yeah i have completly fallen in love with this country, its culture and its people. I really have a positive mind about London and a lot reasons about why i want to go there and also a lot of expectations. But it's true that i have many fears, i'm not going to hide it.
The first fear that came to my mind is that i only discover london via tv,internet,books and some people ,that's it, i never really saw it with my own  eyes, so yeah i'm scared to be disappointed, and that my dream about london is not conformed to reality . That's actually my first and biggest fear.
A friend of mine went to london this summer or last year, i can't remember but she told me that this is actually the most expensive city in Europe, so i'm scared to be unprepared financially. To not be able to handle the difference of life between Paris and London.
I'm scared that everything is perfect and that one of thoses fears destroy my dreams and that i have to return to france and restart everything. But despite all of those fears, I am still full of excitement about thinking of a british life.

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