Oral sur le RNB

Publié le 11 janv. 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 15 janv. 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour , je doit faire pour demain un une éxposé oral sur une chanson , je doit la presenté et presenté son type , j'ai choisit le RNB et la chanson de kenza farah " lettre du front " . Voila mon projet :

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Où j'en suis :
My document is an extract from RNB music. The music’s’ name is « lettre du front », it was created in 2009 this music was sing by kenza farah, a French singer was born in 1982.
In this music, K farah engage the subject of the War, sadness of people in this music is her boyfriend who left to the forehead, she describe herself in her music, she said she is sad without him. Kenza is an wonderful artist and when she sings she makes us share something. Kenza farah is a singer who writes all these songs so it is a full artist.
I like this music and this singer because there music about of this issue of the life.
I like the style of music because RNB is a vocal expression with music belonging to HIP HOP cultural movement, which was created in 70th and later this music knows how to develop with a great deal of artist in particular in the USA .
Personnaly, I listen French rape since some years and I hope you love so this song rap music is the best , because RNB The RNB begins(affects) many themes of the life, as the love, the war, the problems of the street...

8 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 11 janv. 2011
Je trouve ton éxposé clair et compréhensif. Pour moi c'est nikel ;)
Posté le 11 janv. 2011
Si tu veux passe moi ton msn comme jt'aiderai à des exos.
Posté le 11 janv. 2011
T'as ou blié que sefyu chante aussi dans la chanson et qu'il représente le soldat parti à l'étranger(ici c'est l'afghanistan). A la fin tu dis le RNB affecte becaucoup de theme comme la vie, l'amour, la guerre, etc mais tu peux te poser la question si cette music fait passer une moral, quel est le but du RNB. Sinon c'est pas mal les paragraphes sont claires et tu décrit bien kenza.

good luck pour ton oral^^
Posté le 11 janv. 2011
Dsl pour les fautes d'orthographes :D
Posté le 13 janv. 2011
je veux bien te filé mon msn oui cassounette3869@HOTMAI.FR POUR QUE TU PUISSE M'aider
Posté le 13 janv. 2011
Voila ! Vous pouvez me dire si j'ai des fautes ?

My document is an extract from RNB music. The music’s’ name is « lettre du front », it was created in 2009 this music was sing by kenza farah, a French singer was born in 1982.
In this music, K farah engage the subject of the War, sadness of people in this music is her boyfriend who left to the forehead in Afghanistan his name is Sefyu a RNB singer , Kenza describe herself in her music, she said she is sad without him. Kenza is an wonderful artist and when she sings she makes us share something. Kenza farah is a singer who writes all these songs so it is a full artist.
I like this music and this singer because there music about of this issue of the life.
I like the style of music because RNB is a vocal expression with music belonging to HIP HOP cultural movement, which was created in 70th and later this music knows how to develop with a great deal of artist in particular in the USA .
Personnaly, I listen French rape since some years and I hope you love so this song rap music is the best , because RNB The RNB begins(affects) many themes of the life, as the love, the war, the problems of the stress ,best (particularité) in RNB , A lot of singer affected this thème as in this song .

Posté le 14 janv. 2011
Voici la correction :

My document is an extract from RNB music. The song's title is «lettre du front». It was written in 2009, by Kenza Farah, a French singer who was born in 1982.
In this music, K. Farah talks about the subject of War. In this music, she lets us know the sadness she has because her boyfriend, a RNB singer by the name of Sefyu, left to the forehead in Afghanistan. Kenza is a full artist because she writes all her songs and when she sings, she makes us share something.
I like this singer and her music because it's about life issues.

I like RNB because it's a vocal expression with music belonging to the HIP HOP cultural movement, which was created in the 70s and later on, it was developed with a great deal of artists, in particular in the US.
Personnaly, I have listened to French rap for some years now. I hope you love this song too. Rap music is the best , because it concerns many themes in life, as love, war, stress problems...
A lot of singers approach this theme, as in this song.
Posté le 14 janv. 2011
Dans les exposés, il faut faire des phrases courtes pour être bien comprise. Fais attention à la ponctuation dans tes phrases à l'écrit car j'avoue avoir eu du mal à te comprendre. Tu commences des phrases, tu ne les finis pas, puis tu pars sur un autre sujet...
C'est assez incompréhensible.
La correction que je t'ai mise n'est pas totalement parfaite, mais au moins elle est très compréhensible.

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