Presentation de soi- même ... Corrigez moi

Publié le 11 sept. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 sept. 2014 dans 9A
18.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Coucou Corrigez moi 

My name is .... and I am sixteen years old.
I was born in St Cloud, a city from Paris. Today, I live in ..... .
I have one brother and a little sister. I have a dog and a turtle in my garden.

I am cool, friendly, easy going and honest to persons but my biggest flaw is that : I am talkative (bavarde).

I have many hobbies. I am crazy about swimming and music but my favorite hobbie is playing guitar.

One thing I do not like to dance and sing ( Une chose que je n'aime pas c'est chanter et danser) JE NE SAIS PAS COMMENT CA SE DIT ALORS J'AI FAIT MOT A MOT !!)

Last year I was in this school.
This summer I went to Portugal for two and a half months and I was also a week in Madrid

I have no projects defined so I prefer not to say anything but later I would have a big house and a lot money




Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

                      Amicalement veuillez me corrigez                                                                              

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 11 sept. 2014

My name is .... and I am sixteen years old.
I was born to St Cloud, a city from Paris. Today, I live in ..... .
I have one brother and a little sister. I have a dog and a turtle in my garden.

I am cool, friendly, easy going and honest to persons but my biggest flaw is that I am talkative (bavarde).

I have many hobbies. I am crazy about swimming and music but my favorite hobbie is playing guitar.

A thing which I don't like it's to sing and to dance.

Last year I was in this school.  ???
This summer I went to Portugal for two and a half months and I was also a week in Madrid.

I have no project defined so I prefer say nothing but later I would have a big house and a lot money


Voila juste "a city from Paris" au début du texte je sais pas trop si c'est juste. J'espere t'avoir aidé, peut être y'a t-il encore d'autres erreurs je ne sais pas trop ^^

Posté le 11 sept. 2014

Merci beaucoup !!

" Last year I was in this school. ??? " Je voulais dire que " l'année dernière j'étais dans le même lycée que cette année et en seconde"




Posté le 11 sept. 2014

peut être "a city in Paris" mais pas sure

Posté le 11 sept. 2014

Ok donc dans ce cas tu devras dire:

I am in the same school as last year and again in second ou now i am in second

Ca depend ce que tu veux dire si tu as redoublé tu dit again in second et si tu viens d'arriver en seconde tu dis now i am in second

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