
Publié le 5 juin 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 12 juin 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

There are still many slaves around the world today. what do you think can be done to fight against that injustice ?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

there are still many slaves around the world today. what do you think can be done to fight against that injustice ?

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 juin 2011
Faire des manifestations, pétitions, recourir à l'aide internationale... creuse toi un peu la tête :)
Posté le 7 juin 2011
In my opinion there are still too many slaves around the world today and we should act against the modern slavery. First of all, a lot of children are slaves and have to work to support their family. We call it child labor and this is not acceptable. Children should go to school instead of working. Some organizations have been fighting against child labor and this is a very good thing. We should not buy products from companies that use children for manufacturing their goods. Those companies should be banned from stores.
Most of people who are slaves are from poor countries. They can be sex slaves in rich countries. It's important that we shoud pass some laws against sex tourism in Asia or Africa. This is a very lucrative industries for many industries. We should be united and demonstrate against the lobbies in favor of sex tourism. Websites should be made to hunt for celebrities or politicians who have had a sexual relationship with children. Their name would be listed on this website.
The other option would be to sign a petition against all kind of slavery (labor, sex...). And we would send it to the top organizations in order for them to enforce necessary laws.
As long as we do not do anything to solve this issue, modern slavery will still have its best days ahead!
Posté le 7 juin 2011
This is a very lucrative activity for many industries.

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