Relation entre esclaves

Publié le 19 janv. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 janv. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, en anglais nous travaillons sur les esclaves et nous devons présenté un sujet que nous avons choisit à un groupe pour leur tpe. Mon sujet est la relation entre esclaves. J'ai cherché mais je n'ai trouvé que des documents sur les relations entre les esclaves et leurs maitres

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Nous avons travaillé sur la biographie de Frédéric Douglass, mais sur l'extrait que nous avons travaillé, je n'ai pas de renseignements.
Aidez moi, s'il vous plait.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 19 janv. 2012
Il y a un film qui parle de se thème la " Case Départ" Avec Thomas Ngigol et Fabrice Eboué que tu peux regarder il se visionne facilement mais bon tu peux pas montrer ça aux profs a part si ils aiment ces genres de films :)

enjoy !!

Posté le 19 janv. 2012
petite faute IMPARDONNABLE " ce " au lieu de "SE" film la !! désolé

Posté le 19 janv. 2012
Posté le 20 janv. 2012
Colonial African-American families had little control over their own lives. Children of slaves were considered slaves at birth. Very few slaves in the colonial period were ever freed. Although children under the age of ten were rarely separated from their mothers, many families were dispersed when plantations were sold or divided among heirs. Some masters would sell slaves away from their families while others would not split up a family unit.

- Stratford Hall | Plantation Life for Slaves -
Colonial African-American families had little control over their own lives. Children of slaves were considered slaves at birth. Very few slaves in the colonial period were ever freed. Although children under the age of ten were rarely separated from their mothers, many families were dispersed when plantations were sold or ...
African families had little control over their own lives. ... Children of slaves were considered slaves at birth. ... Very few slaves were ever freed. Although children under the age of ten were rarely separated from their mothers, many families were dispersed when ... Nathaniel Bacon and race relationship in colonial america ...
Slavery in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Traduire cette page
The first English colony in North America, Virginia, acquired its first Africans in ... Over decades, many slaves in the Upper South were born of mixed race with white ... Many mixed-race children were born into slavery because white men took ..... Slaves had less time and opportunity to improve the quality of their lives by ...
Family Structure - US Colonial to 1899 - Traduire cette page
The father's control over his family was first just unjustified beyond the fact that God had given ... Also, in colonial times, children were looked upon as essentially chattel. ... Families would apprentice children at the age of 10, or send them to serve other families. Slave children, of course, could be bought and sold at any time.
Slave Rebellion: story, pictures and information - - Traduire cette page
Very few, if any, African-Americans accepted their status as slaves. Most, if not all, slave owneres were completely aware of this and, in general, they lived in fear of the African-Americans under the control. Not only did slaveowners expect ... 1663: First serious slave conspiracy in Colonial America White servants and black ...
Slavery Fact Sheet - Digital History

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