the media and private lives

Publié le 25 avr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 28 avr. 2015 dans 9A
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Sujet du devoir

Voici le sujet : the média do not always respect people's sufferings ans private lived. Do you share this view ? Give an exemple.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voilà ce que j'ai fait . J'orais besoin d'une analyse de pro pour m'aider ! Merci d'avance !  Sometimes, people aren't respectable by the newspapers for example magazines publishing photos or articles which are talking about the private life of well-known people. If this uncountable is true I think it isn't a problem but when they are fake the media shouldn’t publish for the respect of these persons. They want to inform and sell information even though they aren't respectable the persons like paparazzi who took photos of Segolene Royal on the beach and published them on the newspaper. Here her private life isn't respectable and she used the justice to punish the journalist. It isn't dramatically because it's just photos of her without clothes but for the most gravity stuff like Outreau 's stuff it's more dramatically. The journalist by the media like internet or television told person raped people, they have judged (marque du passif à remettre, je ne vois pas (enfin plus) ce qu’est le passif) and 4 years later they are knew that they were innocent. Without the intervention of the media, it may have been different; people accused in this investigation have suffered because rape is very serious in our society. In this example, media didn't respect these persons and their words may have influenced justice I didn't share these actions like this because what the media have told has big consequences on the psychology of the people.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 avr. 2015

Bonjour cerise6988,

Comment as tu composé ton sujet? as tu copié-collé un article dInternet?

La petite composition que tu proposes comporte des fautes, comme par exemple:

- people aren't respected(c'est ça la structure passive: are + participe passé du verbe)  by the newspapers

Tu dois répondre à la question suivante: "les média ne respectent pas toujours les souffrances et la vie privée des gens. Partagez vous ce point de vue. Donnez un exemple."

J'ai l'impression que c'est une traduction automatique ou un copié-collé.

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