Traduction en anglais

Publié le 26 sept. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour , j'ai une traduction a faire , veuillez me dire si c'est pas mal ou il y a des truc manquant, et corriger mes erreurs svp

Voici le sujet :Nous faisons des choix tous les jours : ce qui peut nous influencer?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Ma Dissertation :

Life is a succession of choices. drowned out by the many possibilities, we can no longer know what is good or not for us …

No study has yet recorded the number of questions that our brain has to respond before giving orders to our hands to reach for an object, for example.

We spend our whole life to have to decide, all the time.

Once we have "decided" to continue to live (the first choice of all ...) we haven't, in fact, no other possibility but to choose. "Choosing not to choose is still making a choice," said the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre
A choice has several possibility and offers various decisions, for example, I have 5000€ with that money, I can either buy a car, whether invest, be deposited in a bank ...

This choice is followed by various types of influence , as the people around us (your parents can help) for marriage, for example, unforeseen, time limited, we love and what we love not , the emotions, excitement, hesitation ... all influence our choice.

178 mots

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 sept. 2011
Non je ne pense pas (je n'ai pas vu) d'erreur!
Bonne chance pour ton devoir
Posté le 26 sept. 2011
A choice offers many possibilities and various decisions.

Sinon cela semble trop traduit à mon goût. Au début je ne comprends pas ce que tu veux dire.

Posté le 26 sept. 2011
Pour le début : La vie est une succession de choix. Noyé par les nombreuses possibilités, nous ne pouvons plus savoir ce qui est bon ou pas pour nous ...

Et si tu peux me montrer un modèle , ou me dire ou sa ne vas pas comme sa je modifie. Merci
Posté le 27 sept. 2011
Tu es au Cned?
Posté le 27 sept. 2011
Voilà ce que j'avais fait pour une autre élève :

A choice is the power, the right and the liberty to choose. A choice can be either tough or easy to make. Before making a choice, we often have to measure the pros and the cons. Then we make our final decision. Our choices are always influenced by our family, friends or our environment.

First of all, we are most of the time influenced by our family. When we are facing difficulties and we need to make a choice, we often seek the advice of our parents because we know they will guide us toward the right decision. So the choice we will make will be strongly influenced by our parents’ view. We know they are older and they have some experience in many areas. So we want to have their advice notably when we have to make a tough choice. Family plays a great part in the final decision. The choice can be forced or biased. It is often the case for love relationships.
But our choices can also be influenced by our environment. Fashion influences our choice for the clothes. We wear certain clothes because they are fashionable. To be fashion is a must nowadays. If you don’t follow the fashion, you are regarded as an outsider. You don’t belong to any group. You will be with people who have the same tastes.
Our choices can also be influenced by commercials on TV. We are consumers and are most of the time followers. When we watch a commercial that convince us about the good effect of a product, we will end up buying this product and not another one. So our choice was influenced by the commercial.
Sometimes, it is not easy to make a choice. It is even very tough because the choice made will have consequences on our life. We feel helpless, and we do want to have advice. This is why a choice is rarely made alone. It’s often made after consultation with friends, etc. The choice can be painful because we made a decision that was not the one we wanted. It’s a dilemma. This is why it is never easy to choose and the advice of somebody else is highly appreciated.

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